"Hot" or "Not" photo now available and, Tom is on Twitter!

Mar 03, 2009 15:37

I'm not sure if I posted the "Hot" or "Not" Heat Radio on-air interview Tom did a few months back. Apologies if I hadn't. There was a promotional picture of Tom that went with the interview but it was not available then.

Well, here it is now!


I can just see all the photoshops opening up. ^_~

The photo is from a professional photoshoot he did a few months back so we could be seeing more.

**EDIT: The Twitter post seems to be being overlooked by this (and it's obvious why ^.^) so I'm combining them. It's big news too. Tom is on Twitter and actually sharing aspects of his life! =D

Tom let Feltbeats.com know that he now has a Twitter account. He just started it today. He's actually posting about his life... what he's wearing (right now it's pyjamas!) eating (pancakes) and when he writes songs, etc.

So everyone check it out, http://twitter.com/tomfelton and say, "Hello!"
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