RE: Interoffice Memorandum

Dec 29, 2009 12:30

Department of Information
Western North American Subdivision
Monday December 29th, 2223

ATTACHMENT: Request.Pod.KAT.v14.word
SUBJECT: RE: Interoffice Memorandum

With the demands and subsequent results of my team I must ask for the rationale of why my budget needs to be cut?  Especially when you've highlighted Project Falling Star as an example.  This is the same Project Falling Star that have barely made back their initial capitol investment in appropriate data mined (and thats only from antique dealers who want their used hardware), despite almost releasing another mutation of Infinity into Info Corp.  They have never seen enough research to bring forth any relevant data and although the concept of their project is unique they have not yielded anything beyond dead end excuses, a lack of any real substantive data collection, and the risk of infecting our systems with Infinity.

I really need you to reconsider this. There is no one else who has more cohesive Team then Project Culture Shock. It is with this in mind that I am putting in the fourteenth request to reallocate already budgeted money for a pod to be sent to Kevin Tracy (KAT-Laurel).  Kevin was the Field Researcher who cracked the Gillan code.  There was an earthquake and we've been out of contact.  My authority to approve a provisional drop , which for 2 months worth of food and provisions to be air dropped has been lasting him almost a year and a half.  Company policy is that this continues until a transport pod is sent or confirmation of his death.  I need Kevin back up and running.  Any dip in my numbers can easily be attributed to the fact that he has been either MIA or his position unfilled since his dissappearence.  He is a valued member of my team, and as you have already stated: Team Thinking is the key to success.  And success is measured in data gathered and dollars made.  Falling Star has neither and KAT has given us both.

Which brings me back to my initial point.  I can not have my funding cut.  Several of my researchers are close to some huge breakthroughs and we need the capitol to continue.  We're very close to something here and our results, although not always pretty, have always given this department a net gain financially and comparatively with some of the other departments.  The gillan files is a good example of that.  You should remember that it was Kevin who found it, and because of that we got a 5.4% increase to our total budgetary allocation which allowed Project Falling Star to get off the ground to begin with.

Thank you for your wishes and especially given what Human Resources might say, best of luck to you in the New Year.

Harold E. Liese
Data Retrieval Manager


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