Character Bingo Klaus Fic; The Count

Aug 26, 2011 22:41

Title; The Count
Author; Jay
Team; Vampires/Witches
Character; Klaus
Summary;Klaus has always played the counting game.
Disclaimer; I don't own the vampire diaries

For Klaus, it was always a counting game. It was just that over time what was being counted changed. He remembers playing with stones- back when he was young enough to sit upon his mother’s knee- and counting up all the oddly shaped ones he won. He doesn’t remember the games name, or the rules- those weren’t important- what was important was that he almost always won. But Klaus suspected that Elijah may’ve let him win a few times.

The counting game was always better than the waiting game. It gave him more of an advantage. He counted the number of his father’s footfalls that would bring the man ill-tempered and angry before Klaus. And he counted the days it took for the bruises to fade, while he trumpeted his war wounds for all to see.

He counts Elijah’s friends, and Alexia’s dolls, Julia’s quilt stitches, and Arture’s lies, counts the teeth in Francesca’s smile, and Natalia’s dying blossoms. But the precious happening Klaus counts most carefully is mother’s hugs; for fear they might disappear one day and he wouldn’t remember they were ever there.

He fights the other village boys. He always wins. He counts the boys he has beaten, counts the blows he lands, and the next time his father comes for him- he counts the blows he returns. He counts the days between his fights; it’s always the same number. He doesn’t tell this to anyone.

Klaus counts those he killed; the scribe who worked at the temple where he turned; the maid who spotted his blood coated hands; the friend who called him a monster before he revelled in being exactly that. He counted long after numbers morphed into a seemingly innumerable state. He also counts those who betray him, abandon him, anger him; he will have his revenge- now he knows how to fight. The numbers are a point of pride, and a point of sadness; they always have been.

Klaus counts the witches who bleed dry his love.

He counts his plans, and his forgeries, and the unforgivable misdeeds of his siblings. He counts down one by one, as his brothers and sisters leave him. He counts down the days it takes to latch onto tracks, and wind with them across the world. He counts down one by one as he kills them in turn, collecting polished coffers to house their stagnant states.

In the space between one trail and the next, Klaus sits impatient.

Now there seem to be numbered parchments gathering dust instead of blood, as his people chase and chase and chase. He watches over them. Now there’s Katerina, and Rose, and Elijah, and counting seems irrelevant; he has all the time in the world. And there’s only one countdown left that matters; the time before the next doppelganger.

Then Klaus will see Elijah again, and have his revenge; Elijah left Klaus all alone, and Klaus did the same in turn. When the curse is broken, he shall show Elijah his new family; the one of his own creation; his army. Shall show how he triumphs through his solitary world, in a way Elijah never could.

Klaus counts the milliseconds between one heartbeat and the next.He counts the years. He counts the decades. He counts the centuries. He counts the time he spends- lasts -alone (congratulating himself on his solitary power), counting is always better than waiting. Better than waiting for someone who will never come. 

challenge: august 2011, klaus, user: swirlsofblue, fanfic, team: vampires/witches

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