По поводу информационной войны. Народ предлагает всем англоязычным контактам разослать следующий текст:
Dear friends! We are watching the Great Lie in the Internet! The reality is that Saakashvili FIRST bombed Tskhinvali on the Day of the Olympic Games! Georgian soldiers SHOT Russian peacemaking troops, peaceful population FIRST and only AFTER this Russian troops came to prevent further destruction. Remember Kosovo, and the US position in that case! If you understand the reality, that means your have a free mind. P.S. Please, send this message to all your friends. Thank you!
Comments 1
Dear friends! We are watching the Great Lie in the Internet! The reality is that Saakashvili FIRST bombed Tskhinvali on the Day of the Olympic Games! Georgian soldiers SHOT Russian peacemaking troops, peaceful population FIRST and only AFTER this Russian troops came to prevent further destruction. Remember Kosovo, and the US position in that case! If you understand the reality, that means your have a free mind. P.S. Please, send this message to all your friends. Thank you!
Все это с http://www.warandpeace.ru/ru/analysis/view/26024/
Очень рекомендую, там подробно война освещается, со всех аспектов. Здесь комментарии западных ЖЖ-стов
ostap_bb предлагал регистрироваться на digg'е, не получилось. У кого выйдет -
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