Comment Fic-a-Thon

Mar 10, 2010 20:42

Yes, I've been silent for a while- life has kept me insanely busy. I'm here now for a few days and I'm seeking your assistance once again. As many of you know, thanks to angelamermaid, I am walking the Susan G. Komen 3 Day for the Cure in Chicago. This is happening August 6th - August 8th. In order to be able to walk for this event, I have to raise $2,300- if I don't raise the money, I don't get to walk.

This is the part where you come in.

This is my personal fundraising page. If you go to my page and donate at least $10 and leave a comment here, I will write you a comment fic/drabble/whatever comes to mind. You can leave me a prompt, a rating, whatever you want and I will respond within 24 hours with a drabble for you.

If you look on the page as well, many companies will match your donation. So if you donate $10 and work for a qualifying company there is a page that you can download and fill out and your $10 will turn to $20!

Thank you guys for being such an awesome community and listening to me ramble on. This experience is an important one to me and I really want to make a difference. By donating to my goal, you're helping me make that difference and I will think of each of you as I make my 60 mile trek through Chicago.


making a difference

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