Not how I expected to spend my Saturday...

Aug 30, 2010 22:37

So... Friday night, I ordered pizza, as a treat for having lost 22 pounds.

Saturday morning, I had a couple of slices of leftover pizza for breakfast.

And things went downhill from there... )

health, life

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Comments 16

rms_butterfly August 31 2010, 02:50:14 UTC
Well, gall bladder pain hasn't hit me, but I had a coworker who had to have hers out very recently. Hers was removed lapriscopically, so she was able to return to work after about 3 or 4 days, but she was out a week because she had already scheduled PTO.

She had been told that if they had to remove it "traditionally" that it would be more like 5-6 weeks off for recovery.

I hope you don't have to have it reomjoved, but good luck in any case. Sorry you had such a bad weekend.



tollers September 2 2010, 02:00:53 UTC
I haven't had any return of pain, so I'm hoping this was just a warning shot and I'm not going to have to have surgery... at least not Right Now. I've got a couple of coworkers who both took two weeks off for theirs. One said she could have come back after a week, but her system was still adjusting and her office is a _long_ way from the bathroom. Mine is too, so that's definitely a consideration!


More information than you probably want sweetmusic_27 August 31 2010, 03:15:32 UTC
This was my gallbladder ultrasound, if it makes you feel any better. Once I'd had my attack, there were no signs of another, and they scheduled me for surgery at their leisure, and it worked out fine. It was only about a month of waiting, but still. Nothing happened ( ... )


Re: More information than you probably want tollers September 2 2010, 02:06:36 UTC
Yeah, I had definitely thought about needing someone to deal with the dogs (especially Drummer) for the first couple of days. I adore my Drummy boy, but he's a bit, well, exuberant and having him bounce off of my stomach immediately post-surgery would be a bad thing.

Good tip about the water/applesauce/cracker reserves... I'll keep that in mind! Sally is prepared to drive me home, so that part's covered. I need to get a new cold pack, so I'll definitely put that on the next CVS list.

Rice and grilled chicken strips kind of meals? I almost always have those on-hand, and could cook up the rice ahead of time (chicken strips are the pre-grilled frozen ones from Trader Joe's).

Thanks for the info! I'm hoping I won't have to use it immediately, as things have pretty much settled down now, so unless the ultrasound and my doctor indicate otherwise, I'm tempted to wait 'til it happens again before getting serious about surgery.


exapno August 31 2010, 03:15:32 UTC
note: my info is 11 years old, and i wasn't working outside the house at the time....but will offer (semi-?)relevant pieces, and you're free to call anytime for more ( ... )


tollers September 2 2010, 02:09:39 UTC
Yikes! I can't imagine getting that much accomplished after baby _and_ surgery! Have you been hiding a Wonder Woman suit under your clothes all this time?


museinred August 31 2010, 14:27:07 UTC
Haven't done the gall bladder, but I had my tubes tied and a D&C that they said I would be good to work after 48 hours and it was closer to a week. However I am hypersensitive to anesthesia and i think it was that more than the surgery that knocked me out. But it never hurts to plan for a week off, and then go back early if you feel like it. Bosses are never upset about an early return, but can be less understanding if you need more time.


tollers September 2 2010, 02:08:22 UTC
Good point about planning for more time and then taking less, versus the other way around. I'll definitely keep that in mind!


tigertoy August 31 2010, 17:58:50 UTC
I have no useful medical advice, but I feel compelled to offer a *hug*.


tollers September 2 2010, 02:08:36 UTC
Thanks! Hugs are always appreciated. :-)


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