Title: That Which Comes Before A Fall… drabble series of 6 Author: Kortirion Characters: Hobbits, Bilbo, Frodo Rating: G Source: Pre-Ring War Disclaimer: Tokien’s map and characters… Kortiron’s ambience
Title: Give Us the Wherewithal to Serve Author: Himring Characters: Arwen, Ioreth Rating: PG Warnings: none Book/Source: Lord of the Rings Disclaimer: Two female characters of Tolkien's, one of them aging.
Continuing from the previous drabble, we are still on a ship heading west... Tindómë ('not quite an elf') remains curious about what the compass will do as they cross onto the straight way.
Title; The Straight way Challenge: Unmentionables; telescope and spectacles Characters: Tindómë and Gimli Rating: PG; Source: LotR.
Elves may have perfect, far-sighted eyes, but ageing Men and Hobbits, let alone older Dwarves, could well have used some help from these; medieval monks had them, so why not the denizens of Minas Tirith, Bywater, et al
This time the unmentionable is:
Glasses, monocle, call them what you well, whose eyesight eventually needed some