Contronyms - Bound: Release from Bondage

Aug 04, 2020 09:25

Title: Release from Bondage
Author: Himring
Characters: Luthien, Beren
Rating: PG13
Warnings: reference to canonical death
Book/Source: Silmarillion

In a bound, Huan has Sauron by the throat. And then Luthien has the keys.

Her song unbinds the foundations of the keep, laid in stone and word by the House of Finarfin, corrupted, twisted terribly by Sauron’s will. Chains snap. Barred windows burst open outwards. All is laid bare.

But there are those who cannot be released by song. Of twelve who set out bound for Angband, eleven were destined for Mandos. Beren kneels among the dead, torn flesh, gnawed bones. Iron links lie shattered, but the chains of his grief are heavy on him.

Until Luthien finds him.

author: himring, character: lúthien, character: beren, challenge: contronym: bound

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