Title: After work
kuro_chinPairing: Fujigaya/Kitayama
Rating: R
Warnings: I can't believe I wrote such a pointless pwp. XD;
Word count: 595
A/N: I'm totally blaming
damagea of this ficlet. x___x She's the one who refused to go to sleep before I'd write some high-rated fujikita for her.
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It had required lots of sneaking to make sure they were the only two left in the classroom )
Comments 5
The embarrassment is starting to vanish already. I just read the whole thing through for the first time and I hardly recognize is as something I've written, lol.
Haha, I asked for a prompt, I got a prompt and I followed the prompt. :P
♥ to yourself. Even though, honestly. Do you have ANY idea about how much I suffered that night? T______T I don't remember when was the last time I wanted to cry under my bed that much. You suck. (No, Taipi does. Literally, it seems.)
Lol why does it feel like every fic I've posted lately has started with an A/N saying "written for @damagea/from her prompt/because she wanted me to write/because she TOLD me to write" etc? Girl, you're clearly my muse. XD
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