The Things You Never Knew About People chapter outline & summaries

Jul 04, 2006 17:55

Because I'm bored. And if anyone knows the neat little trick to make this entry show up at the top, that would be cool. :D

So. Here is the master listing of all the chapters and their summaries.

Title: The Things You Never Knew About People
Fandom: FF7, Reno backstory
Summary: You'd be amazed, the things you never knew about people.

1 - Flawless - Elena likes horror flicks, Rude has a sweet tooth, and Reno, well, Reno is a cunning linguist.
2 - Ben dan 笨蛋 [Stupid Egg] - In the end, the first words they figured out together were "stupid" and "ben dan."
3 - Half - He was surprised to learn he didn't know half so much as he thought.
4 - Hua pao 花炮 [Things that Go Boom] - Reno really likes things that go boom.
5 - Orders - Orders are orders.
6 - Zhu yin 注音 [Bopomofo] - Jie's mom, he figured, owed him big for this.
7 - Serious - You could tell, the exact moment when Reno got serious.
8 - Gong zuo 工作 [Get A Job] - It was never a good sign, when she stopped hitting and started smiling.
9 - Roadtrip - Oh, I just told them to fuck their moms.
10 - Shi qu 失去 [Losing It All] - You're gonna have to start calling me 'ge-ge.'
11 - Revenge - Sometimes, it's personal.
12 - Qian long 潛龍 [The Hidden Dragon] - Time to find a hidden dragon.
Epilogue - Noodles - And as odd as it was to hear Reno speaking Wutai, it didn't quite match the brain-bending of seeing Reno cooking.
Weisheng 尾聲 - Hui jia 會家 [Homecoming] - He had to go and be a nosy bastard.


Weaknesses - The drabble that inadvertently started this whole thing. I wrote it as a drabble for thewriter0, and later we were chatting about it, and about what other things that you never knew about the Turks, and it was all downhill from there. XD
The Things That Never Happened to People - Pretty much like the name implies, five things that never happened, but if they had, would have changed the course of things completely.
The Author's Notes - In which joudama proves herself an anal-retentive nerd of the highest caliber.

complete, ttynkap, masterlist, ff7

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