I have mastered a disguise~...

Jun 17, 2008 17:25

You know how sometimes people on your friend's list post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when are they working THERE? Since when are they dating HIM/HER? since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you *should* already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.

Please copy mine below, erase my answers putting yours in their place then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration! One-word answers seldom help anyone out.

1. First Name: Depends on who you ask. Odds are that everyone reading this knows me as 'Cassie,' short for 'Cassandra,' but I was born 'Moriah,' which is now part of my middle name. My parents and relatives still call me 'Moriah,' as do a few old (old old old) friends, but to the world at large, it's 'Cassie,' and 'Cassandra' when I'm in trouble. ♥ (So don't call me 'Cassandra,' or I'll think I'm doing something wrong.)

2. Age: Nineteen as of March 11. I don't feel particularly nineteen, but hey....

3. Location: Batesville, Arkansas, USA. I live with my parents, younger sister and oldest niece out in the middle of nowhere. Buses don't run out here, and it's a fifteen-minute drive into the nearest city (population ~10K). Two and a half hours to the biggest city in the state, Little Rock (population 184.5K).

4. Occupation: Unlicensed freelance computer technician. The one good thing about living in such a small-town city is that everyone knows everyone, and word spreads fast - it isn't hard to get business, and I have a handful of regular clients.

5. Partner: None, and I'm not bothered by it. I don't think I'm ready for a serious relationship at this point in my life, nor do I want one. I have too much to improve in myself to deal with another person, and my friends and family provide me with more support than I know what to do with - a romantic partner would be extraneous and stressful.

6. Kids: A world of no. I care for/look after my sister (12) and niece (9), but they aren't mine, and I never asked for this responsibility; it sort of fell to me. I do not like children, and I am not in the least bit interested in ever having any of my own.

7. Brothers/Sisters: Tara, my older (half-)sister (on my mother's side, from her first marriage) is some kind of Aquarius, thirty-one, living with her (loser) boyfriend (who likes to pretend he's not a methhead), her daughter (Maci, four months) and her fetus (yes, already again) in a trailer park (I think this says enough). She's not all there.

Falon, my younger sister, is a blossoming Libra, will be thirteen in October, and everyone says she looks just like me. She's a pretty, snarky-and-sweet thing, at any rate, reasonably popular, but still decently down-to-earth. We don't always get along, but I do love her dearly.

Miranda isn't my sibling, but she lives with us, and she might as well be. She's Tara's first child, also a Libra, though it's tough to tell yet, and will be ten in October. She's not all there, either, but she's been helped by the fact that she was raised in our house, not Tara's. (It should be noted that I fear for Maci and Tara's next child.)

8. Pets: Bubba is a quirky little Blue Heeler mix, a stray that we adopted sometime early last fall. He was the sweetest thing, climbed right into our laps and snuggled up to us, but he had no collar and was so badly flea- and tick-ridden that we decided whoever might own him didn't deserve to. We took him for a flea bath, cleaned him all up and gave him a pretty bandana (which he ate, so we gave him Honey's collar - she never leaves home, anyway). He left once (jumped the fence), but came back and hasn't run away again, though he roams a bit.

He's easily the strangest dog I've ever owned. He lies on the floor with his paws crossed, cleans himself much like a cat, curls up in beanbags to watch TV, and will lie down with a potato chip between his paws to eat it like a bone. He's also afraid of thunder, hamsters and the vacuum cleaner, and has claimed one of our blankets as his own (and will go fetch it from a pile of blankets if asked). We just taught him to speak on command, which we had to do by kicking his beanbag (yes, his beanbag) to make him bark (because he refused to make noise otherwise) while ordering him to 'speak,' so that he eventually associated 'speak' with barking. ♥;; (He still barks and tries to eat your feet when you kick his beanbag, even if he's not lying on it.) Oh, and he herds people. ♥

Honey is a fat old Shetland Sheepdog who isn't in the greatest of shape. :/ She coughs and wheezes and hacks, and has trouble getting around. We're virtually expecting her to croak any day now. She's been with us for some time, though - since I was eleven, and she was a tiny puppy, afraid to come out of her kennel. Now she's not afraid of much of anything, including thunder, hamsters, the vacuum cleaner and Bubba. ♥

9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life: Moving forward. I plan to start college for the spring semester (originally the fall, but I simply cannot cram everything I need to do into the next two months) to A) learn and B) reintegrate myself with the outside world, and to get my driver's license.

Mortality. My father and dog are both in a state of deteriorating health, and that always lingers at the back of my mind.

Fandom. It's been a part of my life for nearly ten years, and I don't see that changing anytime soon. Currently, it's mostly TeniPuri (and TeniMyu by association).

... That really is it. When I said I needed to 'reintegrate myself with the outside world,' I meant it.

10. Where and for what did you go to school?: Elementary in Michigan and Washington State, junior high in Washington State and highschool in Arkansas, before I dropped out my junior year (year 11).

11. Parents: Daddy is a classic Libra - Libra under Libra, Libra Rising, Moon in Libra. He does his best to keep the peace and to balance out my mother. He is the only man I will ever love. He has a motorcycle, which he may be having an affair with. She sings to him. ♥ He's taught me everything I know, but not everything he knows. He made a lot of the same mistakes that I did, but couldn't, no matter how hard he tried, keep me from making them, myself. I hope I can make him proud before it's too late.

He's had two heart attacks to date, and is going to have surgery to remove a bone spur in his left shoulder that's damaging some nerves. I'm more aware than ever of how fragile humans are, and it's on my mind every day - my father is dying. I'm trying my hardest to accept this before I'm forced to.

Mom is a Sagittarius in a lot of ways, and I believe I should chart her sometime. She's on antidepressants, with good reason, and is sometimes difficult to understand or get along with, but I love her with all my heart. She's always there for me when it counts, and I can talk with her about a lot of things that I don't talk about with Dad, like fandom. Despite her shortcomings, she tries her best (and most often succeeds) in being a good mother.

12. Who are some of your closest friends?: Rachel (mizukomidori), an Aries who's more of an Aries than most people realize, but possibly a Pisces at heart (she's cuspy) has been my friend since we were ten (well, since I was ten; she was eleven), survived through two moves on my part and two on hers. We've shared fandoms since Animorphs and X-Files back then (our fanbrat days!) all the way through TeniPuri and various Jdramas today.

Sean is my brother (who is not actually related to me, and I've never met him in person, but I'd trust him with my life), twenty-two and a level-headed Taurus who won't let me get away with kicking my own ass. We don't share much in the way of fandoms, but we have in the past, and we're interested enough in one another's fandoms and lives to still connect.

There's a small truckful of others, who should know who they are (at least, they'd better, because I don't have time to list and ramble lovingly about all of them). ♥ If you doubt you are, you're probably wrong. (For some reason, I seem to have very skeptical friends. Am I not demonstrative enough, or do you guys just have no faith?)

Addendum (other things you should know about me): I have problems, but I'm fixing them. I take astrology more seriously than I should, and love applying it to everything. I'm bad at updating my LJ lately. :/

1. It begins with a list of all 26 letters of the alphabet.
2. Comment with something you want me to talk about that starts with one of those letters. Choose whatever letters. I don't care which ones.
3. One topic per letter.
4. I will make a new post talking about all 26 topics given to me!

A is for... Apple!
B is for... Butterflies!
C is for... Cookie!
D is for... Dogs!
E is for... Extroversion!
F is for... Food!
G is for... Growing up!
H is for... Higa!
I is for... Internet!
J is for... Jobs!
K is for... Kicking things!
L is for... Left!
M is for... Money!
N is for... Nitrogen triiodide!
O is for... Opportunity!
P is for... Popsicles or Peanuts!
Q is for... Queen!
R is for... Rikkaidai Fuzoku!
S is for... Senri's pet lion!
T is for... Travel!
U is for... Usurping!
V is for... Violin!
W is for... Water!
X is for... Xavier, Charles!
Y is for... Yolanda!
Z is for... Zaizen!

26 / 26!

Off to help Dad with the pool! ♥

memes, life

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