Who: Tayuya and Kin (haha)
When: 2nd January
What: Kin was lonely and managed to get someone to come over and keep her company. Drinking ahead!
Warning: It's Tayuya (and Kin!), and they're drinking.
It didn't take Kin the whole of the half hour she'd told Tayuya it would take. It hardly even took her twenty minutes, for there was a lovely little place
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"Generic beer one, generic beer two, and something shiny." By now she sounded very unimpressed, bored almost, as she motioned around. "There's plenty I think. We have some wine somewhere in the cabinets if we need or you want that." Giving a shrug, she leaned herself upon the fridge door's top with her arms folded over the cool surface. The house was rather warm, Tayuya was probably better off without that blasted jacket anyway.
"Looks good," Tayuya smirked. She reached in to grab, as Kin called it, 'generic beer number one'. The warmth of the apartment was now evident to her after pulling out of the cold refigerator. She tilted the drink toward Kin, silently gesturing for her to getting to pouring it out into the glasses she saw sitting on the counter. She would have downed it on her own and straight from the bottle, but it was Kin's. It was more fun to drink socially anyway, and the fact that it was someone ( ... )
Grabbing the drink from Tayuya she popped it open and poured away. "Ice?" She then asked, reaching into the freezer to get herself three ridiculously colored and shaped cubes. Also inside the freezing unit one could see two cartons of chocolate ice cream, though one was only half eaten and the other had yet to be touched, still sealed shut. It was her bestest friend.
Not even caring that this was not her house, not her kitchen, not her ice cream, Tayuya reached out for a carton anyway. She made a digusted noise at the back of her throat, then tossed it back. "The fuck? Chocolate flavored is fucking disgusting," her face actually showed some emotion now, scrunching up in repulsion.
She didn't not like chocolate, but chocolate ice cream just didn't do it for her like a chocolate bar or one of those Mocha Mudslide things Kin had bought her once before.
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