Happy National Day! Or Fireworks Day. Or Public Holiday.
Just a random ficlet that I had to get out of my head.
Title: Princes and Dragons
Pairings/Characters: Arthur and child!Kiku (NOT SHOTA, I REPEAT, THIS IS NOT SHOTA.)
Rating: G
Warnings: Fluff, lots of fluff.
Summary: Arthur reads a bedtime story.
Where may I find a dragon, Arthur-san? )
Comments 4
Thank you so much for reading and liking it!
Anyways, that story was really fluffy and touching...I really love moments like this... =w= And XD! shota Kiku *shot* I know this is not shota LOL!!! The rating would be higher if it was :X
The ending was really sweet and very touching, it's great Arthur adopted Kiku. great transition from the present to the flashback there, it works really well. I can imagine the entire story as a video in my mind too ^^
You know, you're totally right on how the rating would be higher if it was really shota. :O I didn't think about that at all! Shota squicks me out though. >_< I tried so hard not to put in anything suggestive.
Aww, thank you! So glad you managed to see it that way! :D I like the idea of Arthur being the parent once in a while, instead of having Kiku taking care of people all the time.
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