Fic: AbSINthe and Angels

Jan 13, 2009 18:06

God, I'm so late putting this up. So, here's my entry to go_exchange this year. Posted HERE Now the secret bit is done, I can repost.

Title: AbSINthe and Angels
Gift for: 37_percent
Gift from: todd_fanRating: PG13 ( Read more... )

good omens, fic

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Comments 3

taiyou_to_tsuki January 13 2009, 19:00:09 UTC
...I was totally going to comment on this when it was posted in the Exchange, but, I... Forgot. (.__.;)

But. Yeah. So.

I want to draw a dolphin with butterfly wings now.

This is so very sweet. I adore the character interaction in this fic, between Azi and Crowley as well as Raziel. (Christopher Moore reference is obligatory. :D ILU.) Your characterization of him was really clever. Also, copious amounts of alcohol is always amusing. Somehow. b

Pff, Crowley, why are you such a closet sweetheart~~ Please don't change. X'D

AHAH, so, I guess this means we both got through our first Exchange relatively intact? Awesome.


todd_fan January 13 2009, 19:13:33 UTC
Aww no worries, I found yours, like MEGA late.

DO IT, I'd love you forever :D

Awww thank you, yes yes indeedy.

He'd never ever admit to it *pffft*

WE SURVIVED! We need, like, badges or cookies or..something.


taiyou_to_tsuki January 13 2009, 19:26:29 UTC
XD I'm always pleased as long as people find it at all~~

YES. I shall doodle it. But we'll see when I can post it in that case, since I still haven't bothered to figure out how to connect this thing to my scanner... XD

You're welcome. :3

*Snort* No. I... I can't blame him really. 8DDD



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