Fic: Trouble On The Plas 4/? NC17 (starwars crossover) Jack/Ianto

Jan 02, 2008 23:35

Title: Trouble on the Plas 4/?
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Ianto/Storm troopers, Jack/Ianto hinted
Summary: Something comes through the Rift and takes Ianto hostage.

Word count: 2,471

Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood or any of the characters or objects associated with it. They remain the property of the BBC and Russell T. Davies respectively. Neither do I own any of the characters or objects associated with Star Wars. They remain the property of George Lucas. I am merely borrowing them. This never happened and will remain a pure figment of my imagination. I am making no money from this and it is written for purely entertainment purposes.

A/N: This fic was inspired by the wonderful picture taken by Lagilin. Gareth David-Lloyd and the Stormtroopers

No beta so all mistakes are my own, also feedback is love and I’d love to hear what people think and whether you would like to see this continued or not, because it you think its rubbish then there’d be no point in writing more would there?

Trouble On The Plas part 3

Trouble On The Plas part 4

Ianto looked at Jack as he was lead into another large room, this one however was much better than the cell he’d woken up in. For one this was an actual room, well more like a suite from what he could see as Jack closed the door behind them.

His eyes moved away and settled on the large bed off to one side of the room, and he felt his heart skip a beat as he felt Jack’s hands slide over his throat once more. Stroking his skin slowly before soft lips pressed against his neck just above his collar.

“Can you remove the cuffs please?” Ianto whispered, almost afraid to break the spell.

Jack chuckled as his hands went down to Ianto’s wrists and with one deft flick of his wrist the handcuffs clattered to the floor by Ianto’s feet. Before his hands went back to Ianto’s hips, smoothing over the tight fabric of his trousers, before going to tug his shirt free.

“Jack do you really think this is the time?” Ianto asked as he moved his arms around in front of him so he could rub at his sore wrists.

“There’s no time like the present. Besides until I know what the plan is, this is a good a use of our time as anything.” Jack said as he turned Ianto around so he could unfasten his shirt. He smiled as he watched the flicker of unconditional trust pass across Ianto’s face as he said this. I’m really going to enjoy you. Breaking you and bending you to my will. he thought as he pushed off the grubby white shirt, revealing a well toned chest with a light covering of hair around his nipples and the top of his chest. “Besides you know that I do my best thinking during sex.” He told Ianto as his hands went back to his hips as he held him steady while he leant down and ran his tongue teasingly over Ianto’s nipples in turn.

Ianto let out a breathy moan as Jack teased him, his hands going down to lay atop Jack’s as they ran slowly over his hips. “Jack, please?” Ianto sighed as he watched his lovers head move back and forth between his nipples.

Jack looked up at Ianto and smiled wolfishly, whilst moving their hands down over the front of the younger man’s pants, rubbing their fingers over the rapidly hardening cock, he could feel beneath. God he is beautiful when he lets himself go. I am going to enjoy watching him as I bend him to my hand. Jack thought as he flicked open the button at the top of Ianto’s pants before sliding the zipper down to reveal the black silk under shorts beneath as he parted the folds of fabric. Pushing the trousers down he ran hands carefully over Ianto’s strong thighs as his hands had gone to rest upon his shoulders while he tired to steady himself. such beauty in his abandonment. It’s almost a shame that he’s going to loose himself, but with time he will learn to accept his new role. He may even become the perfect weapon given time. Who wouldn’t want to bed such a beauty?


Jack gasped as he came around from the darkness, his eyes flying open as he realised that he was still on the Plas. Gwen was at his side, tears cascading down here cheeks as she reached out a gentle hand. He knew instantly that it wasn’t some nightmare, as he heard the shouts from Owen and Toshiko as they raced towards them.

“Jack I’m so sorry.” Gwen started as he pushed her hand away and got shakily to his feet before looking down at the unconscious man beneath him.

“Don’t!” Jack snarled as he aimed a well deserved kick at the body beside him before he blindly walked towards the Bay front, his eyes seeing nothing but the spot on the waters edge where Ianto had disappeared.

Jack failed to notice that all signs of the soldiers and their machinery were gone; beyond the body he’d been laid upon when he woke up, all that mattered this second was Ianto. He had to know for certain that the tear was still there or if as he feared that too had vanished.

Jack stopped dead in his tracks as he reached the edge of the dock, feeling nothing, no sign of the rift at all. It was as if nothing had happened. He let out a anguished cry as he stared out into the waters and he knew there was absolutely nothing he could do. He couldn’t open the rift, not now, not ever. He’d promised himself that after the last time that never again would it be opened. He couldn’t go back on that promise, not even for Ianto. His beautiful Ianto was missing and there was absolutely nothing he could do to help him. Jack sank to his knees, letting out a chocked sob as his eyes remained trained on the now choppy waters.

“Jack, he’s gone.” Toshiko said as she ran to his side, hoping that she’d be able to placate him as he turned to look at her. “I’m so sorry.” She whispered as she reached out a gentle hand and placed it upon his shoulder as she took in the broken look on his face. She’d seen that look on Jack’s face only once before and she knew instantly that Jack blamed himself for Ianto’s capture. “It’s not your fault. Jack he knows that.” She said softly as she knelt beside him and gently touched his cheek, to make him focus on her.

“How do you know that?” Jack said, his words ending on a sickening laugh. “It’s always my fault. None of you would be here without me. Ianto wouldn’t have been anywhere near the Plas if it wasn’t for me.”

“Jack, listen to me. Ianto doesn’t blame you. He loves you Jack.” Toshiko said as she knew that if allowed to Jack would beat himself up about this for the rest of his life.

“More fool him; look where that’s gotten him. I’m no good for him Tosh; he should have let me go when I disappeared.” Jack said bitterly, his eyes flicking back to the water once more.

“Don’t say that. Jack he waited for you. Hell he mourned you when Abaddon killed you. I found him on the roof when you vanished and he really wouldn’t have been held responsible for his actions had he gone through with what he planned. Jack he loves you unconditionally and no one will ever change his mind.” She said as she saw the dark look fill Jack’s eyes at the mention Ianto loving him. She felt slightly guilty for betraying Ianto’s trust by letting Jack know about the failed suicide attempt but given the circumstances she felt that Jack needed to know just how much their young welsh colleague felt.

“Tosh he’s gone and he’s not coming back and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. He’s here because I hired him, because he looked good in a suit and from the moment I laid eyes on him I wanted him. How shallow does that make me?” Jack asked bitterly as he turned to look at her. “I hired him because I wanted to fuck him and because of that he’s gone. I’ve as good as killed him Tosh.”

“That’s not true. Jack he wouldn’t have blamed you.” Toshiko said seriously as she noticed that Jack had seemingly ignored the revelation that Ianto had tried to kill himself.

“You just said he tried to kill himself when I left with the Doctor, he should have left, retconed himself. So I could never hurt him again.”

“Jack he would have stayed even if you didn’t want him. He was in love with you.”


Ianto let out a gasp of pleasure as his back hit the soft mattress, before Jack covered his lips once more. He reached up and ran his hands through the silky soft strands of his lover’s hair while strong hands pushed his legs up to position him where he was wanted. Ianto’s eyes fell shut as Jack’s tongue caressed his, exploring every inch of him at the same time questing hands mapped his thighs and his buttocks. Oh god Jack I’ve missed you so much. his mind cried out as the deft fingers parted his cheeks and ghosted across his entrance. His body arched up into the kiss as the strong digits teased his hole, circling it before dipping inside. His body trembled in response to Jack’s skilful touch and his cock throbbed in anticipation as he realised that Jack was still wearing his gloves. As he opened his eyes to look at his older lover he felt a lazy smile grace his lips as he realised that not only was Jack still wearing the gloves, but he was still fully dressed.

“Shhh let me take care of you.” Jack whispered as he saw the words about to form on his young charges lips. All thoughts of protest were wiped from Ianto’s mind as he pushed one finger in to the knuckle. Leaning over him once more Jack captured Ianto’s lips in a bruising kiss.

Ianto felt himself letting go as Jack kissed him, while fingering his ass preparing him carefully. His eyes drifted shut at the oh so familiar touch and the renewed passion that coursed through his veins as the seams of Jack’s gloves teased the base of his cock while he worked him open slowly. Ianto hadn’t ever thought of leather gloves being an added stimulus before now, but the way they felt as they rubbed against the sensitive flesh of his cock and scrotum was enough to make him forget his reservations of them being used.

Watching Ianto buck in response to his touch made Jack smile as he continued to tease the young man. He really was glad that the Emperor had given him the opportunity to train this one. Plus he still couldn’t quite believe his luck in finding someone who clearly thought they knew him. It really was a shame that Jack was never going to meet this Jack that had so clearly enraptured the beauty he now had in his bed.

Pulling away Jack grinned as he heard the breathy moan as Ianto stared at him with wide eyes. He truly was gorgeous with his kiss swollen lips and desire filed eyes. Easing his fingers free of the younger man’s body Jack tugged off his gloves using his teeth to pull them free, groaning as he could taste the other man on the leather as he did so. Tossing them onto the floor he smiled as he hear the needy whine escape Ianto’s lips as he made to sit up as he tried to get Jack to touch him again.

“Shhh, I’ll be right with you. I just need to get out of these clothes.” Jack said as he placed a comforting hand in the centre of Ianto’s chest before pushing him back down into the mattress gently.

Ianto nodded and lay back down to watch Jack undress, his arousal building with the removal of each piece of clothing. He never would get enough of seeing Jack naked, the play of light as it hit Jack’s body, the dark trail of hair on his stomach that led down to surround the thick rosy hued cock. That jutted proudly between Jack’s muscular thighs.

Once completely naked Jack crawled back onto the bed, over Ianto and captured his lips once more in a hungry kiss, stealing his breath as he did so. He could feel Ianto’s legs part willingly as he settled between his thighs, pressing his cock up against his entrance. He really was going to enjoy fucking this willing young thing for the very first time.

Ianto let out a breathy moan as he felt Jack push into him, the slow burn of jack’s thick cock pressing into him the first time always made him gasp as he was stretched. His head fell back into the mound of pillows as he lost himself to the familiar sensation. He grasped Jack’s shoulders trying to anchor himself as Jack ran strong hands up his thighs, while manoeuvring his legs to wrap them around his waist.

“Oh god, Jack.” Ianto gasped when a particularly deep thrust caused Jack to hit his prostate.

Jack smiled as he continued to draw the young man beneath him closer to climax. It really will be a shame to have to break him. Yet he will be a pleasure to train. he thought while watching Ianto’s eyes roll back as another drawn out moan escaped his lips.

“You really are beautiful like this.” Jack told him as he reached up with one hand, stroking it lightly against Ianto’s throat, before curling his hand around it. “You trust me don’t you Yan?”

“Yes.” Ianto whispered as he looked at Jack, breathing deeply as he could feel Jack’s fingers against his throat. He knew that Jack would never intentionally hurt him.

Jack grinned at that while timing perfectly deep thrusts with the tightening of his grip around Ianto’s throat. He could feel the pulse speed up beneath his fingers while he stared deeply into the wide blue eyes as Ianto let out a load moan as he came. His hot cum splashing over Jack’s stomach when he leaned down to capture his lips once more in an intense kiss.

Now that is interesting. The fear turns him on. That will be interesting to see how far he will let me take it. Jack thought as he thrust harder into Ianto’s body as he rode out his own release as the young man’s body gripped him tightly.

Letting Ianto’s throat free Jack eased out of him and moved to lay on his back, pulling Ianto over on top of him so he could continue holding him close. He could feel Ianto wriggling on top of him as he was pressed up against him, the rapidly cooling cum coating his stomach where they touched as he fell into a peaceful sleep with his arms wrapped tightly around him.

“I love you Jack.” Ianto whispered as he finally settled and rested his head against Jack’s shoulder when he resigned himself to the fact that Jack wasn’t going to let him go and get cleaned up before they slept. It really had been a mad few days, and right now he had no idea how they were going to escape from wherever it was that they currently were being held. But he trusted Jack implicitly to get them out of here one way or another.


au, trouble on the plas, star wars crossover fic, jack/ianto

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