another meme

Feb 07, 2029 22:15

The last meme didn't go ever well.
But we'll try this one.  *sigh*

stolen from firedragon9 
Tell me what you really think of me. You can be anon or not, but I want your true, true opinions of me. I don't care if you tell me I'm a bitch or if you think I'm an angel, just let me know.

I always wonder what people really think of me. But I never ask.  I know that ( Read more... )


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Comments 5

bonorattle February 8 2009, 03:38:42 UTC
I think you're incredibly brave for posting this particular meme.

God's honest truth.


alternatekeys February 8 2009, 04:18:03 UTC
I think that you are honeslty a nice person. I think you're kind and funny and I've never had a bad thought about you.


wishfulclicking February 8 2009, 04:44:05 UTC
It seems like we've just started talking. I know you've been on my flist for a bit now, but thanks to twitter, we actually talk more. I like you. You seem nice and you are really honest and brave (like the person said above me) for posting this meme.


anansigirltoo February 8 2009, 18:04:23 UTC
Honestly? When I think of you, I tend to be hoping you're doing okay. (I know, I know, I don't know you too well yet - although that speaks more to my lousy communication skills lately.) So I guess I have the impression that you could use lots of positive thoughts? *wibbles* Idk, this being honest thing is tough.

(Also, what everyone else is saying - anyone with the guts to post this meme is ridic brave. I wouldn't!)


anothersadsong February 10 2009, 20:42:02 UTC
i always hope that things get better for you, because my experience with you has been nothing but good. ♥


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