Let's get cooking!

Apr 11, 2011 19:35

To whom it may concern ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

peacebone April 12 2011, 02:44:28 UTC
I am watching this like burning! The recipes that are already there sound really good.


kaitou_marina April 12 2011, 06:09:15 UTC
Added, since I'm always looking for new Japanese recipes. Is why I follow http://www.justhungry.com so obsessively.


lady_tigerfish April 12 2011, 20:19:11 UTC
That site is amazing. The one thing that always trips me up about it, though, is the request to use dashi granules all the time. Dashi (granulated or otherwise) is near-impossible to find in your average supermarket, and there isn't a Japanese grocery anywhere near me. Do you, by chance, have any substitution tips? I've just been going without whenever it comes up, but I can usually tell it's lacking something.


tobu_ishi April 12 2011, 20:38:31 UTC
I just use fish stock, chicken stock, or chicken bouillon. (In Japan, I sometimes substituted dashi for chicken bouillon when I couldn't get any! It made really good Thanksgiving dressing.)


kaitou_marina April 13 2011, 04:04:49 UTC
Unfortunately I've never had to substitute since I'm within driving distance of several Asian grocery stores, but the suggestion of fish stock sounds like it would work out to me. If you can get a hold of some sushi seaweed, you could probably boil it in fish stock and strain it and get a fair equivalent.


lady_tigerfish April 12 2011, 20:17:31 UTC
Definitely following this!

Also, hiiiiiiii. I know you've been crazy-busy, so I never see you online (Life Stuff has got me pretty tied up too ATM), but I meeeesss yoooooou and I hope you are rocking it at school.


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