Title: Big Damn(Terrified)Heroes Author: fringedweller Rating: G Beta: None Disclaimer: I have no idea who these characters belong to now, but they're not mine! Length: <500 words
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You're hilarious. And it is now my personal canon that Natasha is the spider whisperer. She never kills them, just relocates them. (My husband does this, he says it's good for his karma while I say to just get the thing the hell out of my kitchen).
Clint snaffling Thor's Pop Tarts is kind of awesome too and so happens regularly. :P
I just see her as the only sane person in a group of lunatics, which is usually the position that a woman falls into when surrounded completely by men!
*gigglesnorts* Yay.. just yay. Big bad burly men freaking out beyond belief over a bitty spider. Props to Clint for not joining in with the scaredy cat brigade, and OF COURSE Tasha is spiderwhisperer lol
Comments 23
Clint snaffling Thor's Pop Tarts is kind of awesome too and so happens regularly. :P
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