Holy hell I've been gone for a while

Mar 03, 2013 23:39

Is anybody still here?

Yeah tumblr kind of sucked me up


I finally really really got my own webcomic going

Read more... )

webcomic, wow, secret agent men

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Comments 3

bingbulette March 4 2013, 09:45:33 UTC
\o/ HI KAMI! It's awesome at what speed you crank out the Secret Agent Men pages! I'm always amazed when you announce the new one on twitter, I'm always like "ALREADY?!" At some point I will find the time to read it, surely! xD


toasterdog March 4 2013, 14:02:26 UTC
It's only 32 pages!! Tomorrow it'll be 33 XDD the longer you wait, the longer it'll take to catch up!

Aber danke trotzdem! =3=

btw HAVE THE LATEST PAGE, RIGHT NOW, RIGHT HERE (not much text anyway... XDD)

... )


nanael85 March 4 2013, 19:22:31 UTC
Ich glaube wir sind alle von tumblr aufgesogen worden ... Hier herscht dagegen gemütliche Waldeinsamkeit. Ich hab zumindest Toadie mitbekommen :) sooo cute!


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