this is somewhat about Doctor Who.

Jun 17, 2006 23:28

Hey, you know the thing where EVERYONE ON MY FRIENDS LIST IS OBSESSED WITH DAVID TENNANT AND DOCTOR WHO IN GENERAL? Well, today i watched Bad Wolf and The Parting of the Ways! And it was the best ever! And the regenerated Doctor filled me with glee because David Tennant is HIGHLY ADORABLE! Also, Rose/TARDIS = awesomest awesome of awesomeness in the ( Read more... )

doctor who, photos

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Comments 66

colorstoobright June 18 2006, 03:55:16 UTC
If you pronounce Pocki as puki, you might be calling someone a vagina in tagalog. Just sharin'.

Hurray for pics! And David Tennant! Not that I watch the show, but he's purdy indeed!


toastandtea June 19 2006, 04:33:57 UTC
Uhm, thanks! Maybe one day i will tell someone eating chocolate covered biscuit sticks that they are actually eating vagina!

Isn't lj great? Even when you don't watch the show, the knowledge that David Tennant is geektastically cute is FORCED UPON YOU. Now i finally get to see what everyone is always fucking babbling about!


sandee725 June 18 2006, 03:57:04 UTC
I am EXTRAORDINARILY jealous of the new hardware. That's like an ACTUAL SLR!!!! I bet it's got real settings and everything! (and not fake settings like my Nikon) GOOD STUFF. I am saving up for one of those Canon EOS things myself but am 600 lightyears away from actually owning it... and by then, cameras will be obsolete because we will be taking photographs with our brains.

My favorite are the clownfish! Pocky is delicious, but it means 'crotch'!


toastandtea June 19 2006, 04:38:31 UTC
IT IS AN ACTUAL SLR! It's very exciting, it has the real shutter click and everything. I had been planning on a new digicam for quite a while so i asked for it as a graduation present (YAY FOR CONQUERING SCHOOL YOU GET NEAT STUFF), so luckily i didn't have to save up for it. That... would suck. Shit's expensive. :/

I can't wait to take pictures with my brain! I hope it comes with photoshop installed.


xphile101 June 18 2006, 04:00:13 UTC
Eeeee, rays! I wouldn't be able to bring myself to swim in there knowing that rays were floating about -- true story, there was one off the dock of the house we rent in North Carolina last year, and I waded in up to my waist and all of a sudden all I could picture was the huge ray (and it was huuuuuge - three times the size of that one, easily) flitting around me in circles and I high-tailed it out of there so fast. *g*


toastandtea June 19 2006, 04:49:11 UTC
Ahh, we don't swim in the canal! The water's not very nice, and we have a pool anyway. And there aren't always rays anyway, we just occasionally get a variety of wildlife passing through. (more often there are dolphins!)

But yes, when you go to the beach down here and wade in the water you are supposed to shuffle your feet in the sand to scare off any stingrays so you don't step on them and get stung. (it is called... the Stingray Shuffle.) But all it has ever done is make me totally paranoid that you are DEFENDING YOURSELF AGAINST STINGRAYS WHILE FROLICKING IN THE SURF.


xphile101 June 19 2006, 21:33:02 UTC
Oooh, dolphins! We had dolphins in the bay behind our NC rental house a few years ago and it was pretty cool. I've only seen wild ones once or twice in my life.

I guess technically any place you go to the beach you should do the Stingray Shuffle (hee), but where you live they must be more populous or something. I don't know, but I prefer not to know what's swimming around me. I like thinking that the fish give me a wide berth. (One year my cousins and I were standing in a circle in the surf, about waist high, and some sort of fish brushed up against all of us multiple times. You'd better believe that we high-tailed it out of there.)


azuree June 18 2006, 04:11:17 UTC
You have manta rays right off the dock behind your house? That rocks so much. The picture is amazing. I love the picture directly below the manta ray one too. And the one below that one. ... OMG, JELLYFISH!!

I discovered pocky sticks this year in university, along with many other forms of Asian food. Dee-lish.


toastandtea June 19 2006, 05:17:23 UTC
They are actually not manta rays! Manta rays are the huuuuuuuuge larger-than-people-size ones. The ones in the picture are... i believe cownose rays? They are, err, regular ray size. ;) I'M SURE YOU CARED TO KNOW! But anyway, i'm glad you like the pictures!


azuree June 22 2006, 04:22:32 UTC
I did, very interesting! I actually just called all rays "manta rays" but now I know better! Cownose rays is a good name for them.


bellanut June 18 2006, 04:13:04 UTC
Well, today i watched Bad Wolf and The Parting of the Ways! And it was the best ever! And the regenerated Doctor filled me with glee because David Tennant is HIGHLY ADORABLE!


I loved the pictures as well. Especially the last one.


toastandtea June 19 2006, 05:28:22 UTC
No no no, i think you mean "Whoray!" *rimshot* .................... Thank you, thank you, i'll be here all week.

Hee, i like the last picture too! One of my favorite things about taking pictures is capturing stuff you find that just speaks for itself. (also, PRETTY THINGS! ...but that's beside the point.)


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