come on party people

Mar 03, 2005 03:33

Lost )

art, lost, alias, gilmore girls

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Comments 64

destro March 3 2005, 01:09:13 UTC


Dude, Gob/Weiss? Wouldn't be so bad....

The manip is insanely lovely, I like how you've got the shadow of his head on her tummuh!stomach, and the blue oversaturation is gosh darn pretty. I've got Alias waiting for me at home...and a sinkful of dishes too. Damn.


toastandtea March 3 2005, 01:17:12 UTC
I know! Gob/Weiss, like, makes SENSE. I enjoy crossing over my comedy shows with my dramas far too much.

Glad you like the manip! You're not watching Lost, are you? Why aren't you watching Lost, Dafna? DAFNAAAAAAAAAAA

You don't need to do DISHES! Psh. It's when the sinkful becomes a floorful, then you should worry about them. You're fiiiiiiine right now.


destro March 3 2005, 01:44:32 UTC

I missed a whole assload of episodes 'cause of school and now I'm hopelessly behind, so either I'll catch up Spring Break or wait till the DVD. This girl needs her existential Gilligan's Island, don't you worry. That much pretty on an island? I'm only human!

Now, GG was excellent it really bad that I'm consistently dissatisfied that we haven't had a heavy makeout session with Luke and Lorelei yet? I mean, the ending was awesome but I wanted, I don't know, more skin! Why can't fandom be like porn, Marina, you know with the money shot?


toastandtea March 3 2005, 11:36:33 UTC
Ooooookay. That's a little more acceptable, because man, if you were just ignoring it, well, that's not cool. it really bad that I'm consistently dissatisfied that we haven't had a heavy makeout session with Luke and Lorelei yet?

No, it's not bad at all. I'm still kind of upset we didn't get to see anything before the sex. No making out! No disrobing! They were just there, in bed, and we MISSED IT ALL. :(


psychme March 3 2005, 01:27:49 UTC
That manip is excellent.

I too regret that Sark and Anna's partnership was so shortlived. As I said elsewhere, I think they'd have made an interesting adversary for APO for a while. But I guess they didn't want to sign Gina and David on for too many eps this season or something? Who knows.

Jack's brushing of Nadia's hair off her face was uncharacteristically gentle. That was sweet. Maybe he'll turn out to be her Papa Jack after all. ;) (And yes, I know the likelihood is next to nil, but hey, a girl can hope.) In any case, I do like your reading that he was perhaps thinking of Irina. Yes.

The "like a date" line was one of the stupidest, most WTFey comments I've ever heard emanate from Vaughn.

Yay for L/L. 'Course, I hope their issues will be addressed in a future ep and not cast aside in favour of more kissing. I mean, I like the kissing, but serious talks are good, too.


toastandtea March 3 2005, 11:41:27 UTC
But I guess they didn't want to sign Gina and David on for too many eps this season or something?

Probably, but they could have been like The Man! We don't see them, but they're there! Like they did with Irina last season. Not that that worked out too well...

The "like a date" line was one of the stupidest, most WTFey comments I've ever heard emanate from Vaughn.

And there have been a lot.

'Course, I hope their issues will be addressed in a future ep and not cast aside in favour of more kissing.

Well, of course. I'm sure they will have plenty more issues. With kissing. Issues and kissing!


puppetoflove March 3 2005, 02:29:00 UTC
I really want to know about why he was in a psychiatric ward.

See, I read in someone's post that his mom said, "I'm glad you're gaining weight," at the start of the ep, but I thought she had said he was eating too much. But, if she did express her joy about him eating, I could see him having had an eating disorder. Plus, you know, Hurley. Nickname, duuuude.

From the preview, not knowing the context, i just thought he was saying "perfect" like "you're so pretty i love you!" and i rolled my eyes. But it was actually fucked up and weird!DUDE I KNOW! That was like the one flash of interest I've had in Syd/Vaughn this entire season. Can you imagine Vaughn asking Syd to roleplay as Lauren? OH VAUGHNY, YOU'RE SO FUCKED UP ( ... )


toastandtea March 3 2005, 11:47:09 UTC
but I thought she had said he was eating too much.

So did i. But dude, "Hurley"! That WOULD make sense. Hmmm. But no, i would think it would be more of a CRAZYcrazy kind of thing, because of when Charlie kept saying "nutter".

Can you imagine Vaughn asking Syd to roleplay as Lauren?

Okay, except that's fucked up in a kind of gross way. But funny, too, since Sark liked it when Lauren was disguised as Sydney.

Also, it lends a really creepy undertone to Jack and Nadia's entire relationship for me.

I know! It made me think of the Jack/Nadia fic i've seen. I haven't read it, but i've seen it around. EW WEIRD! Although Irina issues are good...


stupidondisplay March 3 2005, 03:39:03 UTC
I... can't really remember much else, because. THE ENDING. AGFLKHAFGK. Well, first of all, the look on Luke's face when Emily told him he won. And and and as soon as there was the knock on Lorelai's door you knew what was coming, and and and then. GUH. I love how it was immediate, and there was no talking, and. The very last shot of them framed in the doorway... sigh. It was nice.
I think I rewatched that scene about 23478230948 last night and 293840921384 times this morning. Thankfully, I wasn't late for school.

And I ADORE the Matthew/Evangeline manip! We're a rare breed of shippers, we Jack/Kate fans, and you totally fuel the love with... THIS. Plus, you used my FAVORITE Evie pic! You win a cookie!


toastandtea March 3 2005, 11:48:58 UTC
We're a rare breed of shippers, we Jack/Kate fans

Which is SO WEIRD. Like, it's the most conventional of the conventional! But i guess that's why there's backlash. We're so average that we've gone the other way and become hip and alternative. :D


parkergray March 3 2005, 04:28:03 UTC
I have no time (i'mlatelatelate) but I've just gotta say?

Jack brushing Nadia's hair off of her face. It was just such a delicate gesture.


I'm in still not totally convinced she's NOT his daughter.


toastandtea March 3 2005, 11:50:36 UTC
Man, wouldn't that piss off Sloane even more. Jack: 2, Sloane: 0.


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