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Comments 65

spectralbovine September 11 2008, 22:20:13 UTC
HOLY CRAP, Cameron crushed between two trucks desperately pleading with John and telling him she loves him. WTF WTF WTF THAT WAS AMAZING.

But i like it better this way because now apparently we get a ROBOT IDENTITY CRISIS. :D :D :D

So i watched Batman Forever a little while ago, because i'm almost 100% sure i hadn't seen that movie since the first time in the theatre. HOLY SHIT IS IT TERRIBLE.
Oh noooooo. See, I always loved that movie. And then I read No Man's Land and realized the Two-Face was awful. And now Christopher Nolan has spoiled us all.

And then, for the big finale... then it becomes a SEQUINED BODYSUIT. WITH A GLITTERY DOMINO MASK. WHAT. WHY. I DON'T KNOW.

PLUS, i've seen mention in a few places the idea of David Tennant for the part. Can you imagine?!? DOCTOR WHO AS THE RIDDLER?! That's pretty ingenious dream-casting right there, i have to say. Crazy, smart, hilarious, and menacing: he can do it all!

Damn, Stick It is colorful.


toastandtea September 12 2008, 00:23:24 UTC
HAHAHAHA YOU LOVED BATMAN FOREVER. Granted it's maybe... 5% less terrible than Batman&Robin? But after The Dark Knight i'm just like, OH MY GOD. TOMMY LEE JONES' TWO-FACE IS THE MOST OBNOXIOUSLY AWFUL THING I'VE EVER SEEN. At least the Riddler is kiiiiiind of funny some of the time.

Stick It is verrrrry colorful, like an explosion of Skittles.


sainfoin_fields September 11 2008, 22:20:54 UTC
OH MAN I remember seeing Batman Forever in the theatre with my sister in like third grade or whenever it came out (uh, apparently the summer after fifth) and I think it was the first time I went to the movies without parents and I was SO IMPRESSED. OMG CRAZY JIM CARREY. I never saw Batman & Robin, though, I think mainly because as a Poison Ivy fangirl from the animated series I was weirdly offended by Uma Thurman's weird planty makeup.

also I just read this on wikipedia:

Robin Wright Penn, Jeanne Tripplehorn and Linda Hamilton were in competition for Dr. Chase Meridian, with Penn appearing as the favorable choice.

WHAT. ~*CHASE MERIDIAN*~ could have been Princess Buttercup, Barb Henrickson, or Sarah Connor? I feel so cheated.

ALSO STICK IT \m/ and I hated Center Stage when I saw it but this picspam makes me want to see it again. damn you.


sainfoin_fields September 11 2008, 22:21:43 UTC
dude wtf.


sainfoin_fields September 11 2008, 22:21:45 UTC


toastandtea September 12 2008, 00:33:00 UTC
I think mainly because as a Poison Ivy fangirl from the animated series I was weirdly offended by Uma Thurman's weird planty makeup.

Hahahaha. The strange hairstyles are more offensive to me actually. At one point she has like cones of hair on her head. I don't know.

WHAT. ~*CHASE MERIDIAN*~ could have been Princess Buttercup, Barb Henrickson, or Sarah Connor? I feel so cheated.

OH MAN. That is ridiculous. But it's also maybe fortunate cause Chase Meridian is bizaaaaaaaarre. The "love story" in that movie gives me the squicks.

Center Stage is so full of cheesiness and terrible acting BUT SO ENTERTAINING. I can't explain it. Balleeeeet schoooooool.


(The comment has been removed)

toastandtea September 12 2008, 00:37:03 UTC
AGREED. I mean, they dance to Michael Jackson in the final performance and there is ARTFUL BALLET SEX. I love it so.


_jems_ September 11 2008, 22:21:37 UTC
I've only seen the season premiere of Prison Break, but man, was that tattoo removal thing cheesy. "I have a high threshold for pain", yeah right. Even though Michael/Sara pulled me back in, that line alone had me seriously reconsidering. Still has me reconsidering, actually, since I haven't watched the second episode.

That's a mighty pretty picspam! I was totally going to cap Center Stage this weekend, but then I realized I didn't have the anamorphic widescreen version and that idea went out the window right quick. So I might just download the caps. Or buy the anamorphic widescreen version and cap it myself. Or both. Who knows?


toastandtea September 12 2008, 00:41:07 UTC

My caps are hardly comprehensive or, like... good. But you can take them anyway! Capping is so boring, i don't know how you do it so much. I always want caps but then i go to cap things and it takes foreeeeeeeever and i never use the pictures for ANYTHING. :*(


nikkidot September 11 2008, 22:22:43 UTC
Ooomg the old batman movies! Haha, I remember those =] I think I have batman and robin haha.

"So he's wearing tights. It happens."
lol! That cracks me up!

Ooh I agree Stick it was pretty, but the movie was pretty dumb, funnyish I guess =P


toastandtea September 12 2008, 00:44:16 UTC
Stick It was better than i was expecting, actually. I'm easily swayed by prettiness and bright colors though.


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