Not only am I running on Australia time, up all night and sleeping between 10 am and 4 pm every day, but my renewed S/B obsession just won't let me stop reading. There's a tremendous amount of fic that I've never read. And it's all so good.
Besides reading
arysteia bigbang identity porn fic of wonderfulness, I read
ava_jamison archive and have been reading through
fictionalknight's massive archive all day (and still have a long way to go). She must have 100 stories or more of consistently outstanding S/B. I've been leaving comments on every chapter, and I'm sure people are going to get tired of hearing me gush. lol I probably should stop commenting. Some people get tired of getting comments on old stories.
Anyway! I love it when there's a lot of great fanfic to read for a favored pairing. :))