Title: A Certain Thought that Lingers
Pairing: Superman/Batman
Rating: R
Word Count: 13,439
Summary: The decision to use a telepathic link to allow the Justice League to communicate during battle backfires, creating a special bond between Superman and Batman. Batman finds the situation...unbearable.
VI. )
Comments 5
The very last thing he remembered before his vision faded to black was realizing, wonderingly, that Batman had taken off his gauntlets, and that his hands-his hands-were…
I LOVE the way you've ended it, here. Clark's bewilderment and awe at having Clark's bare hands on him is incredibly powerful, and you evoke the emotions beautifully.
This is the best of any ship, those moments of budding love that you know will lead to more. Like the sun rising.
You satisfy me.
In any case, the end of this part has me gasping. 'Cuz I want to know what else happened! O_O Argh!
On to the next. :p
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