Title: Every Broken Road and Stepping Stone 01-14/14
Author: Erin (erinm_4600@yahoo.com)
Characters, Pairing: Jeb, DG, Cain, Glitch, Raw, Ahamo, Azkadellia, the Queen and a dozen or so original characters
Rating: PG
Summary: When Jeb is in danger, Cain and DG run off to rescue him. But what happens when the rescue party needs rescuing?
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Comments 6
Well, thanks! :)
This one hit me like a mack truck and it's DEFINITELY not my usual genre assuming I have one, that is
It's funny.. because the end runs through so quick on paper, but seems to take an hour in my head... weirdness
Anyway! Caingerbread and another *HUG*
So well done! For someone who rarely ventures into angst, you certainly got friendly with the angst muse. ;-) Of course, there were your characteristic moments of comic relief that were brilliant, and who couldn't love the Doctor Who shout-out... Did you know that "Astrid" is an anagram for TARDIS?
Anyway, I'll be pulling for ya!
Funny the way it hit... tying a shoe. *shrugs*
I want to go on record, right now, btw - if no one else enters, it's a draw! :p
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