An Impromptu Speech

Feb 03, 2007 11:01

Rogue fidgeted, staring at the podium and waited for the next person to go up and speak. It didn't look like anyone was going and Cable had said the floor was open for anyone address. Taking a deep breath, she steeled herself and made her way to the podium. She hoped Jean wouldn't kill her for doing this.

"Hello. My name is Rogue. Currently I am working with X-Corps but I'm sure most of you know me as a member of the X-Men. Please don't be expecting any great words of wisdom like from our previous speakers. Not all that sure I'm supposed to be up here but I had a few things I wanted to say." She took a deep breath, gathering her courage.

"I could ask where was this summit after the carnage the Sentinels created in Genosha or after Xavier mansion was attacked. But that's the past and we're supposed to be looking towards the future, finding a way for peace. The problem is in order for peace to work, the people involved have to truly want it. And I look around this room, at the table of delegates sent by the world's nations and it makes me sad. I know only a handful of names on the placards."

"Now, I'm sure most of you would say that's cause I'm just a girl from Mississippi and probably don't know much about politics. But, honey, I'm an X-Man--as the saying goes, once an X-Man always one--and we're up to date on politics. We know who the foreign ministers for various countries are, who's in charge of mutant rights or whatever term the precise government is using."

"So, unless, every thing's up and changed in this last month, I'm not seeing the proper people here. I'm sure there will be plenty of reasons for that, mostly due to security, but if the world truly treated this as the opportunity that it could be, there'd be so much that could get accomplished. It doesn't seem as though the world is and that makes me sad. Hurt almost."

"That's...that's all I wanted to say. Thank you."

She walked away from the podium, making sure she didn't look at Scott or Cable or god forbid, Erik.

rp, summit, providence

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