Title: Stammering, Staunch Supporters, Solitaire
1_million_words prompts
Rating: G
Characters: Steve/Danny, Grace, Mr. Hoppy
Summary: Here are the S prompts.
Words: exactly 500
Warnings/Notes: None. Silliness. Some misuse of language for the greater good. (We have descended into madness! Though this be madness, yet there is method in't. )
~o0o~Danny was
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Comments 9
Danny is so going to pay for this one since Steve said he didn't want the shot. You know Steve isn't going to blame Grace it's all Danny's fault.
Look at you go!
Steve did not want that shot. And calling Grace was cheating, wasn't it???
Steve will eventually recover - once I torture him enough!!!
Oops. I'm sorry. You couldn't tell I feel kind of passionate about this, could you? :-)
You pull stuff forward and back and you make it all look so seamless and effortless. I know it's hard work, but it's a sign of how good it is that it doesn't show.
Thank you for everything!!! Well, except the prompts. Which, as you can see, have taken over my life!
Okay - thanks for those too! <3<3<3
Danny bringing out the big guns - who can resist Grace?!
This also makes me even more afraid of rabbits - I'm already deathly allergic, but the idea of them being able to make my face look like a bulbous alien AND melt my brain into couplets, rhymes and thee/thou/thus increases the fear tenfold.
Shakespeare for the win - every time!!!
And Danny was cheating by calling Grace, wasn't he? Steve didn't stand a chance!
I'm sorry you are scared of rabbits. Mr. Hoppy didn't mean to bite Steve - he just got excited!!
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