Title: Rhyming Couplets, Rhesus Monkeys, Ranch dressing
1_million_words prompts
Rating: G
Characters: Steve/Danny, Grace, Mr. Hoppy
Summary: Here are the R prompts.
Words: exactly 500
Warnings/Notes: None. Silliness. Some misuse of language for the greater good. I would like to remind one and all that this is
kaige68’s fault. ALL of it!!! So feel free to blame
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Comments 8
You're rhyming is unparalleled! I thought the alliteration was impressive, this is... beyond stellar!
*bows in awe*
You are far too kind!!! And of course I expect appreciate it!!!
I NEVER want this to end. Can Mr Hoppy bite Steve every week please...sorry Steve, I know it's pain and a lot of headaches, but honestly, the grin on my face, think it's stuck there.
The rhyming couplets were a lot harder for me than the alliterations. I'm not even sure half the words I used actually rhymed!! Dr. Seuss I ain't!!!
Thank you for the lovely, encouraging comment!!! It needs to go on my Wall of Fame -you know, if I had one!!!
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