Title: Ginger Goddess, Part 3: Drama in Venice and Spacial Multiplicity
Series: none - first part belonged to “There's The Door!”
Rating: M (there be smut inside in more than one spot, or at least some adult thoughts or implications)
tkel_parisSummary: Unaware of the Doctor's intentions even after months of traveling with him, Donna confronts her
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Comments 13
I'm so glad Donna knows about regeneration now. Hopefully something will happen in this story and the Doctor and Donna will have more then just her Human lifespan to spend together.
Donna being Sylvia's only serving child, and only girl, makes sense in the way that Sylvia treats Donna. Especially if Sylvia never wanted a daughter.
Yeah. I felt bad about having Eileen die in the first chapter, but it's turned out to be an important catalyst for future events. Along with Donna's childhood. Stay tuned... and thank you for commenting on both posts!
I'm glad you're continuing this series. I've been wanting to know how they reach the point they did at the beginning of the story, so in love and full of life.
Oh, yes. Getting back full circle. That's my goal, too. :)
~Ali ♥
As always, thanks for commenting. :)
Looking forward to do much more!
Ooh, interesting take on The Moment and Bad Wolf. I thought Donna would have been a better conscience for the Doctor than Rose. Or, y'know, have Jimminy Cricket come out of the box. Kidding. Though that could be a crack!fic or crack!vid idea for a later date. :-)
It'd be easier if he could just show her telepathically, but he knew enough to know she wasn't ready for that at all. So the long path it had to be. He wondered how long the long path would take.
I'm glad these two are taking a long respectful path, though I am always interested in the extent of the telepathy between these two (two halves of a whole). Can't wait to read the rest of the journey!
The journey is coming. Please bear with me. RL is picking up fast, or so it feels like. And today I was unexpectedly wiped out. I guess previous lack of sleep finally caught up with me.
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