Title: A Different Three-Fold Man
Rating: T
Author: tkel_paris
Summary: Not even Caan could see every possibility. The Hand was far more aware than anyone gave it credit for, and it transformed itself into something different. Now Donna Noble and the Doctor have their work cut out for them.
Dedication: tardis-mole. This was provoked by “Another
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Comments 7
And now begins all the embarrassing "Jenny needs to be educated" questions! *snicker* I loved Donna just blurting out the basic facts of reproduction just to shut everyone up! I guess having the Doctor's DNA doesn't get her access to his mind!
I am intrigued at to what Ben and Bella are preparing to do, and how they and Jenny all fir into the actual birth process. And the bag???? Should I know this? Or am I just obtuse today??
Thanks for updating this, and any and all others you intend to!
Oh, this is a fun thing, eh? Finding all the ways that Jenny is ignorant of living... Such a gold mine! And it was dismissed!
Oh, I'll explain in the next part. It needs a LOT of work, though. D:
Thanks! :DDDD
And you had to challenge me, eh? You minx! Ha ha ha! Perhaps I should challenge you more often if we get this sort of thing? You won't see me complaining, since I love this.
Well, of course. Did it prod you to post this morning? :DDDDDDDDDD Hey, that's how you got me into writing in this genre in the first place! Remember?! ;)
When I consider the names, I think I like Ruth more than Doris. I don't know why....
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