Title: The Doctor's Wandering Eye
Rating: heavy T (suggestive moments, ogling)
tkel_parisSummary: Donna's noticed that Martian Boy's eyes are straying. Does he really just want a mate? She's skeptical - and fishing for answers.
Disclaimer: I might not own these two, but I didn't imagine him looking like he was looking in that direction. I know that much
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Comments 8
Oh how I wish she had done this in the show. Ha ha ha! This was delicious! :D
I knew this one would go over well. ;D
Then I hope you'd also like how Ginger Goddess 2 is going. :)
Happy New Year!
I'm avoiding the reality of having to go to work in the morning and this was a lovely, lovely way to put off going to sleep.
Thanks for the sweet (and savory) little treat.
Yeah, but putting off sleep catches up with you. I've learned this the hard way. Meh.
(And this is me procrastinating on adding to my NaNo project... when I've still got several hundred words to get caught up on.)
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