Title: Soldierly Ramblings
Series: Riverlets Through Time
Rating: T
tkel_parisSummary: Private Wilf(red) Mott always looked to the sky, sure he'd find aliens one day. He never thought ones would be part of his family. Not that he minds... Seventh in the “Riverlets Through Time” series.
nini_cuddles. I'm still at it! :D
Disclaimer: This isn't called a fix-
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Comments 6
I love Wilf. Love him. Ben is still my favorite, but I seriously have some big Wilf love going on. =)
Jack was dead at the moment, and so couldn't help. Don't ask me why, but I just started laughing at this line. O_o It just seemed kind of funny the way it was just put out there, like it's a common occurrence. It probably is with Jack so...
All in all, great read.
I love putting in these little almost asides of humor. They kinda make the story for me. :) Poor Jack. :D
I didn't think about what would happen with the Master arc and all that in your universe, and I adored what you did with it.
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