Title: Altered History: Prophecies and Pompeii
Genre: Doctor Who
Rating: T/M (violence, whump)
tkel_parisSummary: Sequel to “Altered History: The Runaway Bride”. The Doctor's getting the location wrong (again) lands him and Donna in Pompeii on Volcano Day. She's determined to save as many as possible, but for him the events bring back the nightmare
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Comments 2
She wore the tattered garments of an initiate of the Academy.
is it wrong of me to confess that, when she was first reveal in the 50th anniversary, I couldn't help thinking that she was a poor man's Kim Wilde? Showing my age, if nothing else. At least you let me keep my impulse to punch her one...
You know, I had to look her up. And yes, that does fit. ;) I'd never try to push away such an impulse in you. *hugs*
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