Title: Amalgamation
Series: (none)
Rating: T for the first two parts (naughty comments among... other stuff) and M for the final
tkel_parisSummary: The Meta-Crisis transforms Donna Noble in a way that only Caan could foresee. No one is prepared for what comes next.
Disclaimer: That this didn't happen proves I own nothing.
tardis_mole. I was asking
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Comments 9
Add to that a real baby in there, and the complications go way up. Nauseous for half the pregnancy, having two bodies (one full grown) inside is bound to make things very uncomfortable. I can't even begin to imagine a 30 hour labor (thankfully, my longest was 6 hours) with two people trying to coordinate pushing the baby out.
Oh yes! A girl! Oh, with birth comes amnesia, so to speak... Donna will forget how awful the pregnancy and labor was when she holds her little baby and bonds to her. Otherwise, no one in their right mind would go through that again. One just tends to remember the best moments, like when you first feel the baby moving.
And now the Doctor needs to really get working on separating the two adult-sized people... dangerous proposition, but it needs to get done.
More as soon as I have the time. BUSY time right now, which is good and bad.
(The comment has been removed)
Secondly, since I wrote this chapter, I will answer you vitriol myself. I don't like your attitude. I don't like your insults. And I don't like your level of ignorance. Gender is genetic. I know genetics. I am geneticist. Being gay is also genetic. I know, because I have the ante-gene. I helped find and single out the ante-gene responsible. Get it right!
Thirdly, I'm not sexist or misogynistic, but for Shakespeare's sake, woman! It's not real. This is FANFICTION. Lie down before you hurt yourself.
And, coming in at a close fourth, if you don't like something, you know where the off-button is. But don't start flaming an author for something you know nothing about and probably don't have!
Yay for a gorgeous baby girl! I'm sure she was worth all that pain. But the usage of the word "horrific" near the end there has me extremely worried for them. What on Earth/TARDIS is the Doctor going to have to do? *frets*
You'll see. :)
Nope, I still don't see the end of this one... a gentle reminder to please post it if you're done writing it. I can't wait to see how this all works out! Poor Donna, poor David, and poor Doctor (ooh "D cubed!" A bit of math fun...). I wonder what the baby's name will be...
Sorry to make you wait.
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