Title: Amalgamation
Series: (none)
Rating: T for the first two parts (naughty comments among... other stuff), M for the fourth, and high T for the final two
tkel_parisSummary: The Meta-Crisis transforms Donna Noble in a way that only Caan could foresee. No one is prepared for what comes next.
Disclaimer: That this didn't happen proves I own nothing
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Comments 11
Pour souls, the three of them! That drive to mate just had them going crazy, and David kept waking up. I gather they hadn't quite finished but were almost there. Yup, like a kid bounding into the bedroom right as you're going at full steam, except he can't be put back out of the room.... nor can you instruct him to knock and wait for an answer before coming in.
It looks like the Doctor will need to separate Donna and David in order to get a semblance of peace.
Ooh, Sylvia's curiosity as a nurse actually helped the situation somewhat. She was able to ask relevant questions and get some answers. Dinner was a bit strained, but I think it may have been more due to the mating drive asserting itself than the company and conversation. Oh, and Sylvia was great in asking what name the brother wanted. "David Andrew," sounds nice... good choice, even if Donna made fun!
Worse, because David has less control than a little kid does. :/
Sylvia shone in this chapter. This is the kind of mother who handles a stubborn child and gets them to respect the meaning of "no" and accept it.
Yes, he has absolutely no filters, but he was "just born," too, so he's like a baby, even with all that knowledge. Such things just totally gross him out. My kids aren't so little, actually young adults, and any affection shown between their parents just makes them ill....
I see, I was wondering where that idea came from. It is a square of leather with scrolls inside, just different scrolls, apparently....
Oh, and I forgot to comment on this:
[He looked again and lifted an eyebrow at her. “Erm, not to blow a trumpet, but... That won’t all fit in there, will it?”
Donna giggled prettily. “Trust me. It does.”]
*snort* He shouldn't worry, it's bigger on the inside!! (although a trumpet might not fit inside) *smirks*
I'm starting to wonder what filters he DOES have. :P
*snorts* All credit for that one goes to Moley. Although I might steal it. ;D
I bet David felt even more trapped by the end of all that; poor bloke.
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