Shakespearean Cupids (13/13)

Jul 20, 2011 22:47

Title: Shakespearean Cupids

Rating: T for emotional angst, innuendo, and Jack-style machinations

Summary: When two people are reminiscent of a Shakespearean couple, friends and family are liable to borrow from the Bard himself to bring them together.

Disclaimer: I don't have the money to go see the awesomeness of David Tennant and Catherine Tate in a ( Read more... )

rating = t, ficverse = shakespearean cupids, ten, doctor/donna, donna, doctor who, fanfic, jenny

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Comments 23

nipponophile05 July 21 2011, 05:26:37 UTC
Oh, that was truly epic kissage....I love Donna's line about wanting to ease his burdens and them being partners in everything. That in the end they didn't want to leave Jenny, but couldn't bear to be apart, so rested in quiet family-ness. The whole thing was just beautiful.


tkel_paris July 21 2011, 06:06:49 UTC
Well, with the spoilers from bas_math_girl, I couldn't help but add some major kissage. ;D

It's going to be the quietest night in all of the Doctor's history. But what else could he do? That was enough excitement to last a lifetime - even for him! And he would do anything for his girls. Especially when his little girl needs comforting.

Thank you for reviewing! Stay tuned for the sequel and the next Shakespearean idea!


docdonnaforever July 21 2011, 07:30:03 UTC
AWWWW :D the ending was perfect!! You did it just right and hit it spot on! Great job on this! I'm so glad you're writing a sequel and we will get to see more family stuff like this! I loved everything about this so it would be incredibly difficult to point out anything that I like the most buuuut I do favor the mental image of them all laying together like a true family. I wish RTD had let us see just a simple glimpse of that in the actual episode... I can't wait for you to start posting your next story! Will it be soon? Great job again!!


tkel_paris July 21 2011, 16:28:44 UTC
I originally had a more... humorous ending, but it just didn't fit after Jenny's journey. So... it moves to the sequel's opening chapter.

Yeah, well, I guess RTD couldn't stomach that kind of domesticity for the Doctor. Never mind that Ten could've adjusted with the right influence. (Namely, his girls!)

And thanks for your input about the sequel. I'm starting the outline - as I work on two other stories. Thanks!


thenoblethang July 21 2011, 07:54:35 UTC
That was the more adorable thing I've ever read, ever.

I want to be babied by the Doctor and Donna plz. *prays and wishes I dream of that tonight* *needs a life*

Also while everything else made me either squee or melt, this little line made me laugh: They exchanged a rather large WTF expression over Jenny's head. The sheer IMAGE of it, man!!

I also like where you fit Lee in all of this. Tragic for him, but it's still a nice little closure.

So in conclusion, this induced a very happy sigh from me. Looking forward to the sequel!! :)


thenoblethang July 21 2011, 07:55:46 UTC
most* not more

blarghity argh blargh


tkel_paris July 21 2011, 16:40:39 UTC
Eh, don't worry. I caught at least three errors in this chapter. I just... I'm not sure I'm going to bother locating them to correct them.

Star Trek fans know the phrase of "getting a life" well. Shatner's most lasting humorous moment, and it came from SNL.

I wasn't sure whether WTF would suit, but I couldn't think of a better description for their expressions. Besides, Ten had the best face for that look! ;D

Lee being there was, I think, a final push to ensure that the Doctor wouldn't even think of backsliding. You know, he's tasted heaven, and he knows it MIGHT be in his reach in the real world. Those fears are still there, but Lee did a good thing by stopping to make sure that the Doctor's intentions were honorable. (snorts)

Thank you for posting, and you're welcome! It was a pleasure to share this story!


sczep84 July 21 2011, 08:56:09 UTC
SUCH a great ending. I loved the kissage and I love Donna saying she'd be there to share his burdens. And what a wonderful reunion they had!! And she bumped into Lee, ooohh! I felt a tiny bit sad for Lee for not having met the awesomeness that is Donna and for not having these "cyber" experiences with her but only a tiny bit sad cos yay for the Doctor and Donna finally admitting that what they felt in the dreamworld is what they want in rl.

So looking forward to the sequel!


tkel_paris July 21 2011, 16:48:02 UTC
So glad that people aren't sorry for the relative lack of humor in the end. Now, the outline for the first chapter of the sequel? It'll practically be schizophrenic! Well, manic-depressive might be a better term...

Think about it: Lee could see the awesomeness of Donna just from her bumping into him. In a way, it's better for him to not have had to endure what he did in the episode; he won't have those more profound regrets about his stammer that I bet he had when he couldn't speak in time... I just knew that he could help the Doctor strengthen his resolve to make things work.

Will continue on the outline... after an important call... Thank you again for reviewing!


doctorsgirl26 July 22 2011, 00:43:47 UTC
And they lived happily ever after... This is brilliant! I can't wait for the sequel!


tkel_paris July 22 2011, 02:19:00 UTC
As much as is possible given the Doctor's life... ;D

Thank you!


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