Title: Wedding on Oodsphere
Genre: Doctor Who
Rating: T
tkel_paris Summary: A sudden summons drives the celebrating Children of Time to Oodsphere. Donna's life is at stake, and there's an unusual way of fixing it. No one saw this coming. Or if they did, none will admit to it.
Disclaimer: Not mine. This might've happened otherwise.
alimoseby and
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Comments 20
You even have Sylvia being happy! *grins*
I thought Donna looked absolutely stunning in that dress. I'm hoping that there will be more stories based on this dress.
I bet there will be. :D
And thank you for commenting.
It seems like everyone wins in this one. Even Rose a teensy bit. =P
I pictured Jenny waving and it amused me. Yes, why would the Doctor leave her on Messaline means he was "so concerned" about one drop of Time Lord DNA getting out and causing universe damaging havoc. >_>
The Doctor is not alone, the Duplicate and Jenny get a childhood, Donna gets her happily ever after. =D
~Ali ♥︎
Yeah, I figured it worked out for Rose. Giving her a real second chance. And I got to mention something that really sticks out as evidence against the whole Doctor/Rose thing. Especially NOT when they started out.
I blame the Moment. Because that's the only thing that makes his actions make sense.
Glad you loved it. :D
Good job and a great start into the new year!
Jenny is a great way to nudge them. :DDDDD
Happy New Year! I just finished posting Episode 5 of Sins. Are you up to date?
No, I'm way behind D: I've just finished EP 1, but I have all the links and I will make sure to get there eventually ;)
Btw, did you get my email with part 5 of CitS?
I shall now go to the top and actually read it (after taking a calming breath)... And I remember that Peter Capaldi film which became a talking point after Hugh Grant became famous (it is still rubbish though ;D)
Right. Jenny was perfectly right to make that dig about them missing her funeral, wasn't she. It was a stupid idea to leave her behind. I am so pleased that the healing process resulted in a wedding and two lovely Time Tots. Awwww. And even Rose got excused; well... sort of. She managed to ignore the part that spoke of her guilt in not resisting the Moment. Perhaps they should have threatened her with an Ood. :D
Yes, it was rubbish. But I had to see it to know what hezikiah was talking about with the mongoose. ;)
Well, if you just discovered that something had been meddling with your mind, making you ignore that you weren't into a certain bloke and really made you like another one that you first looked at like he was a mental patient... you might not notice a lot of things. So... *shrugs*
Oh, don't give me a new plot bunny... :P
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