Coming Home

Jan 11, 2008 22:51

Title: Coming Home
Character(s)/Pairings: Emily, Jesse Kilmarten
Rating: G
Summary: Had she finally found somewhere to belong?
Author’s Notes: I wrote this AGES ago when admittedly, my writing wasn't the best, but I wrote it, so I am posting it.
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: I don't own anything affiliated with Mutant X.

The long abandoned warehouse provided all that Emily needed. Here she was safe from people and she had the peace and quiet that she so longed for. Her life thus far had not been what she had always dreamed of. Instead it had been more like a nightmare.

A procedure had been performed on her when she was a child to cure an illness that she had. However, in the process, she had been changed…her DNA altered. Now she could no longer belong in the world of humans, but she had not yet found exactly where it was that she belonged.

She shivered a little as a gust of cold wind whistled through some of the broken windows. Since she had left home, she had lost track of time and of the days. She no longer knew what day it was, or even what month for that matter. All she did know was that winter had come upon her fast and she had not been prepared.

These days she never saw anyone, going out only under the cover of night. Well, there was one person that she saw…Jesse Kilmarten…her savior. He came around at random times to check on her, and sometimes even brought her food.

A smile crossed her face as his image came to the forefront of her mind. His dirty blond hair was feathered and boyish, while his blue eyes were intense and kind. His eyes had been what had convinced her to trust him and at times, she found herself peering into them without realizing it. He stood a little taller than she did and though he was not in bodybuilder shape, he was fit.

She was distracted then by thoughts of the circumstances surrounding the day she had first met Jesse. She had just arrived in the city and was wandering through the streets, trying to get a feel for this new environment when she sensed that she was being followed. She tried to lose those behind her, but found that it was not so easy to do within the limits of the city and around so many people.

Eventually she had been cornered in an alley and knew that there was no way that she could escape, even with her feral abilities. She was much too spent from the day’s tireless chase. Her predators pulled out weapons and began to fire. She had closed her eyes to steel herself for the blows, but surprisingly none came.

She cautiously opened her eyes to find that a man was shielding her. Not only was he shielding her, but he was actually deflecting the bullets with some type of force field that he seemed to have erected himself. He turned to face her then and with a smile and a wink, he had grabbed her and off they ran until they had come to this warehouse.

Once inside, he had stopped to make sure that she was unharmed before catching his breath. He had then asked her where she lived and had offered her a place to stay, but she had refused. Though he had saved her life, she could not be sure that he was to be trusted in all aspects. She had been hurt too many times in her life to throw caution to the wind and trust blindly ever again.

Her thoughts were broken when she heard someone coming down the alley. Swiftly and silently, she made her way to the makeshift peephole and was filled with relief to see that it was Jesse. He was laden with many items and she hurriedly opened the door for him and smiled, “Do you need any help with all of that?”

He grinned, “That would be great.”

She lightened some of his load and lightly asked, “Are you moving in or something?”

He lightly chuckled, “Not exactly. I’ll explain everything later, but for now, how are you doing?”

She shrugged, “About the same. Nothing much really changes here.”

He looked to her apologetically, “I am sorry that I haven’t been to see you sooner. Things have been really crazy lately. I really wanted to spend today with you though.”

She looked to him questioningly, “Today?”

He nodded, “Of course. No one wants to spend Christmas alone.”

He took in the look on her face and realized that she hadn’t known what day it was. He lightly touched her arm, “Is this ok with you?”

She met his gaze, “Of course it is. You’re right. No one wants to spend Christmas alone.”

He beamed, “All right then. Let’s get started, shall we?”

He pulled out a small radio and tuned it to Christmas music before setting up a very small tree. He then pulled gift after gift out of the bag and only stopped when he heard Emily gasp. He turned to see if she was all right and tears were standing in her eyes. “Jesse, I can’t accept those. I didn’t even get you anything and you are much more deserving than I am.”

He simply smiled his dazzling smile and stated, “There are gifts for both of us in here, so calm down. Besides, would you really make me feel that horribly that I had spent so much time trying to pick out the perfect gift for you, only to have you tell me that you can’t accept it?”

His piercing blue eyes were studying her and she found that she could not resist anything that he said, even if she tried. She smiled, “I don’t want you to feel horribly. I just wish that I could give you something in return.”

He stated, “Maybe there is, but we’ll talk about that in a little bit. First things first, however. Do you remember the people that I have been telling you about? The ones that I live with?”

She nodded. She loved to hear their stories and she especially loved hearing about Adam. For some reason, she felt that she could relate with him and always felt a surge of familiarity when Jesse spoke of him.

He smiled, “All right. Good.”

He pulled out some type of equipment from his bag and tinkered with it for a few moments, while Emily looked on with the utmost of curiosity. Finally, he sighed, “Ok…are you ready for this?”

She grinned, “Well, I don’t know what it is, but I am anxious to find out.”

A holographic image suddenly appeared and each of the people that Jesse had told her about had sent her a personal message for Christmas. She didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry and when it was over, all she could do was bury her face in Jesse’s chest and rest in the comfort of his strong arms until her feelings were under control.

When he pulled back, he sighed, “We all want you to come back with me today, Emily. I can’t stand knowing that you are living like this and that you are alone when there are people out there who care about you. We all take care of each other and we’ll take care of you too.”

She was silent, taking in all that he had said. This was so much to think about and it was all so sudden. He continued, “We’re a family, Emily, and we want you to be a part of that. Everyone is back there waiting and hoping that you’ll come back with me.”

He paused before taking her hand and waiting for her to meet his gaze. “Come home, Emily.”

“Home,” she almost whispered. This had seemed like such a foreign concept to her for such a long time. Home and family…waiting for her. People who were ready to accept her for who and what she was.

mutant x, jesse kilmarten

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