Us vs. the Apocalypse

Apr 05, 2013 15:56

Title: Creature Comforts
Word Count: 174
Crossposted: HERE at runaway-tales

When the shrieking of the undead finally silenced and the dust settled, the flickering lights overhead revealed Avery standing in a pile of Ollies. The wood paneling and gaudy carpet of the hallway was sprayed with blood and littered with bullet holes. Chest heaving, hair sheared off from the machete that had nearly decapitated her, blood painted across her pink sweater and pale blue jeans, the glare she leveled on us could have killed another dozen Ollies by itself. Lifting one arm, she pointed with her handgun into the warm glow of the honeymoon suite.

"I'm going to take a shower," she said quietly, her voice like the deathly calm before a hurricane touches down. "And so help me, if anybody so much as knocks on that door, it will be the last thing they do in this life, understand?" Once we all either nodded or murmured our shocked affirmatives, she stalked into the room and slammed the door behind her.

"Wow," Keenan murmured beside me. "We really need to get her dosage upped."

story: us vs the apocalypse

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