Us vs. the Apocalypse

Apr 05, 2013 15:25

Title: Blackberries, I Think
Word Count: 159
Crossposted: HERE at runaway-tales

"You think these are edible?" I asked, lifting a branch so weighed-down by dark berries it was on the verge of breaking. Dixon peered at them for a moment, then pulled a few off the branch.

"They look like blackberries," he said, sniffing at them. "Wouldn't hurt to scan them, though, see if maybe -"

"Hey guys!" Mason called from the other side of the bush. "Check this!" He came staggering stiffly around the corner, his eyes rolled back in his head and his face painted with purple-red juice, his mouth lolling open to reveal fistfuls of partially-chewed berries. He managed to keep up the act for about fifteen seconds before he collapsed in mirth - or perhaps because he was choking on the food he'd neglected to swallow. Sighing, Dixon pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes.

"Or we could just let Mason eat some," he said, "and see if he keels over."

story: us vs the apocalypse

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