Us vs. the Apocalypse

Mar 30, 2013 21:48

Title: Potential Suitors
Word Count: 254
Crossposted: HERE at runaway-tales

"Oh, look at that one," Avery voice chirped in my ear. "Third floor, west corner." I followed her instructions and spotted the Ollie standing on the balcony, staring down at us, his mouth moving in some grotesque parody of speech in the remains of his ruined face. The rest of his body was in decent condition, all things considered, though it was apparent he'd been locked away from food for some time - a large amount of his muscle mass had wasted away and his skin sagged in sad folds over his bones around around his joints.

"What about him?" I ask.

"I bet he was pretty, once," she sighed.

"I see... nothing to indicate that." I turned my sights back to the street, skimming the road ahead as the trucks rolled slowly forward, and when I heard her sigh I couldn't help but laugh. "Av, no offense, but maybe you should try to find partners in, you know, living people?"

"Oh my God, Aura, do you have any idea how long it's been since I was on a date?"

"Twenty-seven days," Dixon chimed in.

"Twenty-sev... okay, seriously," she barked over Mason's laughter. "That's a long time!" I leaned back from my scope and glanced over at her as the boys laughed, her white-knuckle clench on her rifle. "Besides," she muttered, "it's not like living boys give me any attention."

"Probably because the last time something with a pulse hit on you, you threatened to shoot him in the face," Mason said.

story: us vs the apocalypse

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