All Hail the Shifter King

Feb 17, 2013 13:36

Title: It's "Clever"
Word Count: 232

Note: Non-canon, from a previous version of the novel.

The inner laboratory was far less cluttered and chaotic than the public-use room - had his blood not been boiling, Jordan would have been awed at the amount of equipment and sophisticated technology that had been crammed into the modest room. He spotted Doran slouched meekly behind a laptop, watching Jordan warily over the top of his thick glasses, his fingers slowing in their march across the keyboard and twitching slightly toward the heavy glass paperweight next to the pen cup.

"Nice place you've got here," Jordan commented, turning in a full circle with his hands in his pockets and throwing in an appreciative whistle. "Imagine the work we could have done in the last two weeks if we'd actually had access."

"It wasn't deemed -"

"The stuff you have here is better than what we had in Kensington," he continued, cutting Doran off. "I mean, look at this. Nebula servers, Hermes storage banks... those would have been helpful when I brought back that blood sample..."

"We didn't -"

"Oh, and let's not forget scientist humor!" Jordan mentioned, rapping his knuckles on the whiteboard where it read It's Been [9] Days Since The Last Velociraptor Attack! in thick red letters. Doran shrank even further into his chair.

"I thought it was clever," he defended.

"Ah. Right. 'Clever'." Jordan surrounded the word with air quotes for emphasis. "I'm sure they thought so, too."

story: all hail the shifter king

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