Metal Whispers

Apr 23, 2014 20:16

Title: Division
Word Count: 217

Author's Note: For those not familiar with this verse - Keelin was taken as a prisoner of war and brought to Galia, where she's had a change of heart after uncovering corruption in the ranks of her own government / military and has come back to try and recover her teammates. Daxen (who she's had a relationship with for a while) isn't terribly impressed to find out that she's joined the "enemy".

"Hey," Keelin said quietly, slipping into the room and closing the door behind her. "Can we talk?"

"Not going to send your boyfriend this time?" Daxen asked, keeping his attention on the sheaf of papers in his hand.

"I'd rather you didn't blacken his other eye," she mentioned, dropping onto the couch next to him. When a few seconds passed and he still wouldn't look at her, she reached over and took the papers from him. "Dax," she said gently. "Please."

"I don't know what you want to talk about," he told her. "You already got your way."

"This isn't about getting my way," she argued.

"Then what's it about?" He grabbed the papers back, shooting her a heavy glare in the process. She had to resist the urge to shrink back against the pillows beside her. "You two decided we're going to Galia, so we're going to Galia."

"You understand that it's the smartest thing to do, right? Robin tried to have you killed, Dax. Galia is the safest place for you to be right now." When he didn't respond, she sighed and scrubbed her face with her hands. "I'd really like it if we didn't have to practically kidnap you to get you there, you know."

"Why not?" he asked. "Worked just fine for you."

story: metal whispers

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