Title: Under The Skin
Author: TeeJay
whitecollar100 Prompt: #36 Skin
Genre: Gen
Characters/Pairings: Neal, Diana
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Old enemies don't vanish, they come back to haunt you when you least expect it.
Author's Note: Whoa. I hit the 100 word mark without having to edit. I'm awesome today. :-P
Disclaimer: White Collar, its characters and its settings belong to Jeff Eastin and USA Network. And, guys? Your characters are not only welcome, they're wonderful. I'm just borrowing, I promise.
Neal didn't flinch, and Diana gave him credit for that. The only indication that it must be hurting was the expression on his face. Always the con man.
She applied more Betadine to his lower arm, where a large portion of his skin had been scraped away in an unfortunate collision of asphalt and body. He readily let her wrap the gauze bandage around his arm, and she tried to be as careful as she could.
"You know that you can report him, right?"
Neal nodded, but his eyes said he wouldn't.
Matthew Keller would get away with it. Again.