
Aug 16, 2007 20:55

.. and this is somewhat all i can say about me for the moment..

i am here to read and to comment.. and to help some beautiful story in german to come alive in english for everbody to read..

just one short thing..

i am not a great thinker.. but after all that has happened lately i only wish that no one was hurt, that nobody has to leave or clean the ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

oceansbetween August 17 2007, 11:48:22 UTC
That’s an excellent reminder: Everything that has emerged owes its origin to (as someone else said) a 30-page story and a two-hour movie. We were moved, changed, turned around, devastated by this story and express it in so many ways. Some write and read because they want to fix the ending, others to work out their own emotions, others to explore situations they never thought of before.

It means so much to be able to read stories written by people all over the world, and you’re making that possible. Thank you.


tizi17 August 18 2007, 08:38:13 UTC
thank you for sharing your thoughts with me..


mel0804 August 17 2007, 16:53:54 UTC
You are so right !
I think it's so important to keep these men alive. They thaught me how to live a better life. They taught me to stand up and fight, they taught me to be a brave person and to get out of my shell.

I would NEVER miss what has happened during the last year. I feel that my whole life perspective has changed and this is so great.

I don't want these men to stop talking to us - their message is too important in my opinion...


tizi17 August 18 2007, 08:39:20 UTC
my life has changed because of BBM.. and i think for really many people. thank you for staying with us and giving us your stories as a wonderful gift..


cornflake2912 September 20 2007, 06:44:06 UTC
hi tizi!
ich komme mit dem lj noch nicht ganz zurecht und weiß nicht, wie ich dir eine private nachricht schreiben kann. deswegen über diesen weg! :(
ich brauche uuuunbedingt jemanden, der mir etwas übersetzt. mir würde schon das queer diary reichen. das ist wirklich ganz ganz kurz und immer nur schnelle, kurze sätze... *lieb guck* ich hab es schon selbst versucht, aber dieses ganze umgangssprachliche bekomme ich einfach nicht auf die reihe.. heeelp!
lg und danke für deinen lieben kommentar in meiner ff!


tizi17 September 20 2007, 08:29:51 UTC
LJ ist auch für mich das riesen fragezeichen.. ich probier halt immer rum.. manchmal gehts..
du hast sicher echt, grad das queer diary ist immer relativ kurz - warum grad das eigentlich? gefällt dir das am besten?
jetzt grad im moment = ca 1 woche kann ich garnix machen, bin ein paar tage weg.
ganz wichtig ist mir, dass ich mit mel's sachen nicht zurückbleibe - sie ist doch eine forum-freundin von dir, oder? ich will ja keine troubles...

weißt du was - ohne zuviel zu versprechen - ich hol mir (wenn ich wieder da bin) den ersten teil und versuchs wielang ich dazu brauch - wenns relativ gut geht und sonst nix ist mit mel oder so, dann probier ich's ok?

bitte verzeih dass ich so zögere.. ich arbeite, hab family, dieses blödsinnige BBM hobby (versteh ich garnicht..) übersetz für mel.. ja, schlafen tu ich auch manchmal.. wenn ich wo noch 24 std herkrieg mach ichs sicher.. *grins*..
schauen wir, ok?
schreib bloß weiter - oder sind die geschichten schon alle fertig? ahhhh.. wie gehn die aus...?


cornflake2912 September 20 2007, 08:36:11 UTC
Ich dachte an das Diary nur deswegen, weil es so kurz ist. Am liiiebsten hätte ich natürlich Swear it Again oder noch lieber you are under arrest, aber das ist wirklich sehr viel!
was ich auch suuuper gerne übersetzt hätte wäre me neither. die geschichte bedeutet mir sehr viel und das ist auch gar nicht so viel. das sind immer einzelne, abgeschlossene geschichten.
you are under arrest und das diary sind schon fertig.
sewar it again geht demnächst zu ende.

wenn du das machen würdest, würde mir das sehr viel bedeuten, aber ich will mich auf keinen fall zwischen die sachen von mel drängen!!! Ich bin gut mit mel befreundet und zuerst einmal sind ihre geschichten dran...

tizi, das wäre wirklich so so so so toll!!!


siri2000 December 12 2007, 10:45:40 UTC
just found this one.
I feel real new to LJ, even though I have that account for some months, but I just became active in reading and writing here a few weeks ago, and I am wondering what is going. I have heard about the flaming and found journals that are strictly friend locked and no chance to get in and read the story. Or even worse the writers that have left.
I dont know the reason for all of this ... But I feel so sorry. Just having discovered this LJ with its stories. And hoping so much that you are right, and we can stick to it as long as we care.


tizi17 December 12 2007, 11:50:18 UTC
hi siri,
as i said, i was just here for reading, too. then starting to comment.
and more and more people friends closed their entries; as far as i know it's not only because some had been threatened for trademark or cpyright or such. some did it because they wanted to avoid really nasty comments or even personal attacks; this is why i got soupste; the first time it happened i was just sad; the second time i was upright angry. with nobody in detail; just this whole thing made me mad, because we all are here for BBM and the feelings and emotions we felt for this story; and the thankfullness for those who write here and try to help us with our feelings for this wonderful work.
this is for me, you know.
now i have asked to be friendend by many, it was never a problem, and i enjoy what is coming up, daily.
are on on some forum such as bettermost, ennisjack, DC? many writers post there, you can get in contact with them and ask to be friendend, if it does not work here.

i, too, hope to continue to enjoy this!


siri2000 December 12 2007, 14:40:15 UTC
thanks a lot for your advice to join bettermost etc. I`m busy with my german forum but I think I should take my time. Thank god sienata's best friends for ever is free


siri2000 December 12 2007, 14:41:53 UTC
uuups, wasn't logged in, sorry


120cassie October 20 2008, 19:54:33 UTC
Ok, so I came back and started reading your journal from the oldest post now.. That's where I've heard of you before - you're a translator???

Thank you for enabling me to read more stories..Your translations make this possible for me. I read a little German, a little French and a little Spanish.. Alas not well enough to fully appreciate any stories written in that language, so I just want to say Thank you ♥ It's really special what you do, to enable everyone to appreciate as many stories as we can.. After all - it is Ennis and Jack forever, isn't it???I am a member of all the foruma and have not used them much.. Never enough time..



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