Title: Home Fandom: SPN Rating: R Pairings: None Warnings: attempted horror and some gore Summary: When John returned to his motel room, both of his children were gone.
...for some reason this all took place in Silent Hill in my head. I kept waiting for Pyramid Head to pop out. I love how John is looking for his boys and they're safe in the motel room waiting on a father that won't return. You can see the edges of regret showing through under John's mania in this. Like part of him knows that what he's doing isn't fair to his boys.
This was deliciously creepy. Tricksters, demons... the possibilities for what had taken the boys was large, and for what they might have done to them--even larger. That the whole thing was a set up from the beginning just made it worse.
Comments 4
He knows he was set up. He just has no idea how much.
And his idea of what's best for his boys and what's actually the best are, unfortunately, two different things.
Good job. =]
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