Title: Happily Ever After Fandom: FF8 Pairing: Rinoa/Squall, hinted Seifer/Squall Rating: PG-13 Warnings: dub-con A/N: Beta'd and yelled at by the lovely artimusdin . XD Summary: Because fairytales can come true.
I'm not sure if you intended this to be creepy, but you somehow managed (and have a real talent for it!). Is Rinoa doing what I think she's doing? o__o Daaaaaamn. (If not, I still choose to interpret it that way. ^_^)
Fairytales have always struck me a little twisted, at least, the Brothers Grimm variety.
But how long can Seifer pull away?
October 11 2009, 03:28:33 UTC
As the other sides of each other, Squall and Seifer are the perfect foils. With both as knights to Rinoa, she would be able to fulfill a higher destiny, and their destinies would be intertwined with hers. Now that she's found him, of course she'd welcome him back with no hard feelings; of course she'd try for the allegiance and servitude of the other knight. By hook or by crook, their trio would be complete: because she is always passionate about her causes, so she will save him. And of course the love from Rinoa’s fairy tales will come true, because only her love matters. She'd almost caught Seifer off his guard today, when he remembered how easily he had fallen for her, even if it had only been a summer fling. Tomorrow she can have Squall catch Seifer off-guard with his version of love, bond Seifer to her while he's weakened, then cure him - mind, body, and soul. Little things like an aberrant knight doesn’t exist in this princess’s fairytale. And how perfect her world would be, once those little rough corners like his
( ... )
Comments 6
Fairytales have always struck me a little twisted, at least, the Brothers Grimm variety.
I love the Brothers Grimm fairytales. *hearts*
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