Sep 03, 2009 09:48

(It is necessary to give dref22 mad props for inspiring this. Check out her Bennet family. It is so awesome. )

OK, so I made one of my Sims families. (What's funny is, I've actually done this before, but new computer means all new families and new screencaps! Huzzah!

Read more... )

gaming, pictures, heroes, i think i'm funny, mattmo

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Comments 6

citiesfalling September 3 2009, 18:21:58 UTC
The fourth one from the bottom, with the wee green pluses, is so cute, I cannot describe it. Also, omg, woman, you are genius! <3


hanuueshe September 3 2009, 19:23:41 UTC

I probably need this game to live. Or something. I should get on that.


moorishflower September 3 2009, 20:06:29 UTC
I'm amused by the fact that even Sim Mohinder has a bubble butt.


dref22 September 3 2009, 21:16:12 UTC
Matt taking a dump and Momo having a bath...LOL, do people act like that in real life?

I too want to make a Petrelli family!!! Who knows, HRG might take his chance on Nathan too, 'cause you know, he is a slut!

..and Claude...I want him to invisibly molest HRG...


ilikethequiet September 3 2009, 21:29:46 UTC
Wow, your Matt sim is actually really good! it's so hard to make sims look like who you want them to. I cheat though, I download my version of Mohinder. How could I not have?


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