I am left almost without words. I think this has to do with the fact that I really wasn't able to enjoy tonight's, i felt a lot like i HAD to watch it instead of WANTing to watch it. I liked some of the reveals, but I don't really have a good feeling about it.
1. Claire must be wondering at this point why her old enemies keep showing up at her door. Sylar, Elle, Doyle... the answer perhaps being that the bennets have very poor home security, or that they should really be taken out of the phone book at some point.
2. The most enjoyable parts of the ep for me - probably the Nathan/Danko/Noah roundtables of playage. However, Nathan really does need to stop taking the roof access exit if he doesn't want to be found out. Nathan, that was really, really tooly of you.
2.5. I'm sorry, but those thirty seconds of Mathan had more chemistry than every scene Nathan has shared with Tracy and every scene Matt has had with Daphne combined. This show does its best when it's about trust and power. Infatuation and romantic love just don't come off as well. Plus, the trust and power stuff leaves openings for the rest of us, who do the romantic love bit slightly better (or think we do).
3. I had the distinct impression Noah was in with Rebel, that he came in to ask Danko wtf was going on just long enough for Rebel to follow Guvvie Hax0r's server re-routing. But looks like that might not be the case.
4. You know, Grunny auditioned for Peter's role. I see him as always wanting to be Peter in Season 1, and now he gets to wander around in a public square afraid of exploding... yeah, that seems to be as close to the dream as he'll ever get. Never fear, Matt, you're still MY favorite.
5. I knew about the cancer beforehand and I kept thinking to myself, how do I expect Sylar to act when he finds out? I still wasn't sure, but I was sure this wasn't it. Heh. Redeemed himself in the end, though. It's a mark of fine quality acting that THAT redeems the character for me, heh. It's funny, Sylar and Claire were totally on opposite-but-equal character tracks tonight. Reaffirming their alignment, to sound totally dorky about it.
6. Was it just me or did Nathan seem like *he* was in with rebel with that whole "Hope!!!" innuendo? I'm starting to suspect that Nathan wasn't the first person to come to the president with the whole THERE ARE SUPERS thing. Wonder if Danko had been after them before that, and Nathan caught wind of Danko's plot and has been trying to mitigate it the whole time?? That would be a spectacular reveal if they can pull it off convincingly.
7. Claire's brainpower is inversely proportional to her distance from Sandra. The end.
8. I really want Claire to get versed in the way of the geek. It'd be so freakin' funny. "No, Claire, now you roll for dexterity." "That's stupid! Either I can jump that far or I can't, what does a funny-looking set of dice have to do with it?" Etc.
9. "This is pitiful." Sylar discovers his father is the poor man's version of Miracle Max. Without the sense of humor, or the word "Humperdinck" repeated for comic value.
10. SYLAR KILLS BUNNIES. This should NOT fill me with glee. In fact, I will categorically deny any glee having been felt.
11. It occurred to me JUST at the end of the Angela scene: she shoplifted a pair of socks in "Genesis." "To feel alive again," she said. Based on the way she guzzled them oysters, I'd say the socks did the trick.
12. This episode is cryptic, far too cryptic. I'm having trouble finding things to say about it because nobody's saying anything. It's all implied and murky.
13. courtesy of the husband:
Doyle: "Thanks, Barbie."
Claire: "Start running, fatso."
all apologies to Mr. Lawrence, of course....
14. Angela eats slithery slimy things for breakfast. Pearlhead Danko is well and truly intimidated by Angela slurping down what could be his mother. My husband told me that Angela made him hot in this episode. I think she made me hot, too.
15. The whole time Papa!Sylar was talking about needing a connection, Sylar was all "Momo wasn't like that." Also, the bit about the "unsatisfied life?" Sylar thinks back to having sex with Elle and says "...you're right, I never was satisfied..." cue big gay revelation, lolrite? BTW is Luke gone for good now? :-( (This makes someone on my flist happy.)
16. It occurred to me that Sylar was playing Daddy Dearest when he turned around and showed him his healing power. Like that's not gonna appeal to a dying guy. Hahahahaha. Then, WOAH SURPRISE DOUBLE PENETRATION! (it wasn't much of a surprise, but... it's funnier that way.)
17. During the "Prezzie sez ur busted" bit, I kept expecting Danko to stamp his foot and go "YOU BITCH I HATE YOU!" and run out of the room crying.
18. TOOTHPICK!NATHAN IS SCRUFFY & WINS. ALSO, I WANT TO BE THAT TOOTHPICK PLZ. K? just plz put the right end in your mouth OH GOD SHUT UP TIPPY lolololol
I'm done now. Just had to do that.
19. Am I the only one who wanted to burst out into a mad chorus of that old Sondheim classic, "Doyle in the Park With Claire"? I am, aren't I? Damn. Never mind, then.
20. Claire was totally me in that scene. She was totally gonna go emo and make everything about herself, but halfway through she realized she was acting like a total tool and got surly about it instead. Yeah, that's my MO for sure. Hey, if a girl can't laugh at her flaws....
21. I look forward to the Danko/Sylar rage-off. And something tells me the last shot with Nathan and Claire is going to make someone else on my flist VERY happy.
Damn, only 21? pathetic. hope the two weeks recharges my meta batteries.