[fanfic] The Greatest Show on Earth (Volume 1, 6/6; PG)

Sep 15, 2008 19:38

Title: The Greatest Show on Earth
Chapter VI: Full Moon
Author: tiptoe39
Rating: PG for mooniness but no mooning.
Summary: AU. Welcome to the circus. The lion tamer meets the new act.
Author's Note: This is the final chapter of the first sequence in this fic. The story will go on. And on, and on. Much like Celine Dion's heart, but even more gay. ;-)

In which Matt is magnificent, Mohinder is mediocre, and a mysterious man makes markings - maybe meaning more melodrama. Alliteration does not appear behind the cut, I promise. )

the greatest show on earth, mattmo, fanfic

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Comments 10

lea1santome September 16 2008, 19:59:50 UTC
Girl have the strange obsession with the full moon, are you a woman she-wolf?

It was beautiful.

Chica tienes la extraña obsesión con la luna llena, ¿eres una mujer loba?

Ha sido hermoso.


tiptoe39 September 16 2008, 21:08:24 UTC
ga, thank you so much for commenting! my fic was lonely :D

and i love the full moon!! :D


blackdoggy1 September 17 2008, 00:33:04 UTC
Awww...at first it was kind of sad, but it ended up so sweet. Really great.


tiptoe39 September 18 2008, 22:33:13 UTC
thank you honey! i know, this fic has taken a deep turn i never expected...


(The comment has been removed)

tiptoe39 September 18 2008, 22:33:31 UTC
awwww! you give such great comments!! and yes, i love wordplay too :-)


savage2003 September 17 2008, 21:11:31 UTC
Oh I like the word volumes, very much.

Loved Mohinder here, so troubled and in love and cute.


tiptoe39 September 18 2008, 22:33:46 UTC
yes, the poor baby, he needs some lovin'. ;-D


teecub September 18 2008, 12:03:30 UTC
AWESOME! Okay, that rocked! I'm a giddy mess now - a giddy mess dangerously close to being late for class, but still! I LOVE IT! Mohinder's confession, Matt's fear, the kiss - oo, and Matt's ending howl!!!! <3 Loved it! Man, as always your writing = BEAUTIFUL! *Snugs!* Okay! Class! <3


tiptoe39 September 18 2008, 22:33:58 UTC
eee, so glad you liked!! have fun at class!! :waves:


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